Sweepstakes "A full stop" Helena Nieto
Thursday, March 31, 2011
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Sweepstakes "A full stop" Helena Nieto
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Today we are very fortunate to be able to offer you the interview that the English writer Helena Nieto gave us. Thank you very much we have spent a few minutes of your time to answer a few questions. Up to this point has published two novels "A full stop"
"Secrets of Sand" (2010) both published in the editorial "The Machinist" How did the passion for writing?
I have ever written. As a child I liked to imagine stories, I always had vivid imaginations. And writing, for the 14 years I wrote my first novel, and wrote the daily typical of adolescence. I always liked it, all life.
know it is very difficult for a novice writer get his novel see the light What prompted you to submit to a publisher? What would it feel to know that published?
course I found romance with José de la Rosa, editor of the China Machine. One project of the workshop was to write a novel, and we did. When we finished he was the first to encourage us to submit manuscripts to publishers. And I did.
I felt great joy and great excitement when Estelle called to tell me that I published. It was a dream I never thought I managed to come to pass.
've been reading romantic books and now you're a writer what do you think the book romantic in Spain and do you think gender is not very valued? Can you live with writing?
has greatly improved the situation. The English writers are more considered, and the publishers are starting to have them. Each time it is published over and that's great for all of us.
will be most appreciated. The proof is that last year my first novel some libraries in my city did not request the book or showed interest in him. This year with a full stop opposite has occurred, the request and to make contact with me to pass them a promotional poster for me. But it's true, you have to continue fighting for the romantic is valued as much as other genres, and are the same promotion as the others.No, not a living from writing. At least here in Spain, I see very difficult. I do not know if the great writers living just writing ...
If I lived in U.S. and abroad as well known as Danielle Steell or Mary Higgins Clark, and many others, then you might be different.
How do you define your writing style? "Romantic or sentimental? Narrative
yes, but ... between Romantic or sentimental ... I do not exactly fit either, but to be assimilated more sentimental.
What I can tell you is that according to José de la Rosa, who taught the course that you mentioned earlier, I have my own style and my own voice.
Let's talk about your books, has published two novels so far, "Secrets of Sand" and "A full stop" What can you tell us about them? Do you think they are very different?
The two novels are quite intimate and with great feeling because I like to be so, it is also what comes out of me. I've said many times that I start the book with a general idea then is what I get. I have no script, no scenes ... everything is planned out as I write.
The two tell a story of divorced women with adolescent children, we could say that they resemble. But they are very different.
Anna and Paula are totally different in character and way of seeing life. Then the circumstances surrounding them are also very different. Anna is much more introverted than Paula, more insecure, less decided ... Paula has more character, more daring, and more secure when making decisions.
In "A full stop" we are going to meet Paul who tells us his life in first person from a very intimate way. How did the idea of \u200b\u200bnarrating the life of Paula who do not have the typical elements that can be considered a romantic hero? Do you consider it a gamble or a change within the romance genre?
I personally love stories in first person because they are so intimate it makes you much in the character goals.
I wanted to try this type of narrator. It was a challenge for me. I also found it useful to how it feels to a woman with a stable marriage, a job, a life ... to suddenly change everything because her husband leaves her for a younger girl. How will you deal with this situation, overcome it and rebuild their lives? I thought it was a hot topic and I felt like writing.
first person I would understand better the player to get in your own skin, to make us share in their suffering, their joys, their feelings ... and although I risked because I had always heard that readers of romantic no I liked this kind of narrator, I am very pleased to have written in this way. My editors loved it and it seems to have good acceptance.
I never ask whether it is a gamble or what is ... I just write what I like, what I want and leave me. And yes there are readers to whom they like my style and read my novels, well and happy that way.
topics I do not like, that's true, but when I write I do not plan anything. Just write.
Do you ever read your books when published or not do it for fear of wanting to have changed anything?
Yes, I read. And more than once. Hahaha .. Reading your own writing published is very exciting.
No, I edit a lot before sending to the publisher. When I do I fully accept that I sent, when I read it again, I do not care if I had to have changed anything or not. I am quiet.
What was the last book you bought? Are we so recommend?
Blood Lies, by Mary Higgins Clark.Totalmente if you like this type of novel. A passion for me. Did you ever imagine you would become a known author?
I am one to think that if you believe in dreams can come up. I'm dreaming it. You imagine that could happen? Yes, dreaming is free, but when is it, hard to believe.
you currently have a project in progress?
I am writing two novels. An old I am expanding and rectifying and other qu am writing in a while. But I calmly, without haste.
Finally we can "read" a few sentences of your last novel How difficult choice! See if you like this:
"I just wanted to feel his kisses, his touch ... I wanted to have sex, why not? It's about time, my body screamed for me ... so much that excited me thinking. He dreamed of being desirable, sexy, sexy ... Where had been all this? I was not sure but I had to re-discover it. "
The best novels I appreciate the time given and the opportunity given to us to sort among our readers his latest book autographed.
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