The school maintains a number of standards or rules to prevent teen trends, some trends are:
Drugs: Some teenagers feel the desire to experience new things, therefore, the schools think they should put a remedy to this, they do so by rules, for example if you smoke at school, kick you off, sometimes it is useless because the exit school who want to smoke will smoke, but at least at school they do not, neither smoke nor drink, or take other drugs, sometimes they do not fear their parents, or school failure, other sometimes they do because they have money to buy, or because that school is not addicted or anything, schools are also trying to eradicate this drug or campaigning work against drugs, or receiving a visit person working organizations such as project man, this trend is famous both for male and female.
Fashion: Many teens are trapped in fashion. As a large lodestone attracts them with a force they can not control. Unavoidably are tossed by the waves of fashion. She makes them dress a certain way, wear the hairstyle that you wear, hang a piercing. Many teens are trapped in fashion. As a large lodestone attracts them with a force they can not control. Unavoidably are tossed by the waves of fashion. She makes them dress a certain way, wear the hairstyle that you wear, hang a piercing or tattoo a drawing on the skin, listen to music, reading magazines and talking to your teens are caught manera.Muchos fashion. As a large lodestone attracts them with a force they can not control. Unavoidably are tossed by the waves of fashion. She makes them dress a certain way, wear the hairstyle that you wear, body piercing or tattooing hang a picture on the skin, listen to music, reading magazines and talking to your teens are caught manera.nMuchos fashion. As a large lodestone attracts them with a force they can not control. Unavoidably are tossed by the waves of fashion. She makes them dress a certain way, wear the hairstyle that bears body piercing or tattooing hang a picture on the skin, listen to music, read magazines and talk to your tattoo manera.go a drawing on the skin, listen to music, reading magazines and talking his way. The school tries to impose a uniform control, and punishing mistakes with `uniform 'who do not wear the uniform assigned.
Social Networking: There are many social networks as the tuenti to which young people are engaging, young people who spend time in these networks rather than studying, the teachers what they do is advise their parents to prohibit it, there are kids who are devoted to upload photos to grace teachers, teachers can report and there may be jail or remand to eradicate this. Language
teen: Teenagers have their own language, they bring the street and enter the school, using bad words or invented words sounding the school makes a rule that is prohibited and punishable mean disrespect to the teacher or the companion, also some are dedicated to giving nicknames to more partners, that is something which is also sanctioned youth understand each other, since it is a language invented by them.