Times have changed, vivim0s a dynamic culture where knowledge is highly mobile. Currently equivalent to ten years even once a century. The general attitude of our time is to keep learning in a process of continuous learning and continuing review of knowledge.
Modern societies require the rapid and effective education not only to pursue his own interests but to address the problems of social, political, economic, etc. From increasing productivity, literate in new technologies, adriestar to work and make people better able to use to combat corruption and humane social relations.
Pupils and students frequently ask themselves why and what to study engaged in a continuous present personal and social change. The deep motivation losing ground in favor of lighter ones and easily digestible. The context creates confusion and discouragement among young people by offering models of life adulate linked to selfishness, consumerism and the easy life.
Answering these questions is not easy. Tell that to what to do with the future, with the idea of \u200b\u200ba meaningful life project. The reason is closer to consciousness: awareness of who I am, aware of our sense of life and sense of gratitude to those who help me to be who I am.
A young reflected this: "what I usually happen is that I intend to do something and they do not, I can hardly never get to study ... I have a schedule. Sometimes I think that the problem of what happens to me is that I have no reason to study is a bore, a routine "I would say that the study is not something you do likewise, is something that needs to be motivated to born and maintained.'ll find the motivation to learn when you discover that a relationship exists between learning and some personal need.
often heard as an argument that those who study dreams have been frustrated when they have to devote to something they did not expect . No longer a shame that a young miss the train from the study because:
* is wonderful to know
* because the world has more things and more colors than we can see and explain
* because ignorance weighs like a stone

* because it is better to others when we know more
* because we can quickly understand what hurts us and hurts.
* because we can quickly understand what we need.
* because life is not just today and have to be ready for tomorrow, although the future is uncertain and remote.
study is very important now because you have to think about the future and the more you study now in the future will be better because the study is the most important because without the study can not do anything.
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