Thursday, March 25, 2010

Scooter Start Then Stop

spring is coming, watch out for allergies

What are allergies?

Allergies are abnormal immune system reaction to things that are typically harmless to most people. When you're allergic to something, your immune system mistakenly believes that this substance is harmful to your body. (Substances that cause allergic reactions, such as certain foods, dust, plant pollen, or medicines, are known as allergens.) Your immune system in an attempt to protect your body against what it perceives as a threat occurs IgE antibodies against the allergen.

In turn, these antibodies then cause certain cells in the body to release certain chemicals into the bloodstream, one of the cells is histamine.

Histamine acts on the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin and / or gastrointestinal tract, causing symptoms of allergic reaction. The subsequent exposure to these allergens will trigger the same response. This means that every time you come into contact with these allergens, having the same reaction.

Allergic reactions can be mild, as you runny nose, or severe enough to have difficulty breathing. For example, an asthma attack is often an allergic reaction to something that has inhaled a susceptible person.

people more prone to allergies in Spring

Occurs magical awakening of nature, and moves us all alike, being known as, season of blooming gardens, love, y. .. of Allergy.

of a sudden everything flows like a whirlwind, and the air is filled with foreign substances our immune detection system, there are dust, pollen, hair, feathers, animal parasites, insects and other toxins within the body, such as chemicals (cosmetics, dyes, medicines etc.), and the same air pollution each day.

addition to these physical factors, there are of course caused by deficiencies, emotional or mental order, which somatize in the body such as eczema, asthma (the need for parental love and protection), whose origin is found in subtle body mental and emotional that we should not neglect its direct impact on our health.

herbology or phytotherapy, connects us to the living plant, we can look, smell, touch, grown or collected by us (nettle, plantain, dandelion, etc.).. Medicine is always born of conventional wisdom, with the simplicity of its effects.

* The onset of spring also brings allergies, and this is really difficult for people who are prone to. If the months of October, November and December have been rainy spring will be hard for allergy sufferers. But if it rains in May and June will benefit because the water helps clean the air of pollen.


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