hildren smoke induced by their peers, influenced by the model of adult smoking and seduced by the advertising cigarettes, which addresses them indirectly, directly, artistic, subliminal, sports and all varieties of fascination para su persuasión al tabaquismo.
Los niños y el tabaco están cada vez más relacionados. Nuestros hijos ahora manejan más dinero, más libertad, más tiempo solos. Crecen rodeados de un mundo de publicidad y cine que no siempre les da ejemplos adecuados.
Los niños que están afectados por el hábito de fumar de sus padres, son propensos a sufrir toda una serie de problemas de salud, en su mayoría serios. El impacto en los niños comienza antes del nacimiento; el consumo de cigarrillos durante el período de gestación es asociado con abortos espontáneos, partos prematuros, bajo peso, muertes neonatales, complicaciones durante el embarazo y parto, disminución de la quality and quantity of breast milk. Children's lungs are smaller and their immune systems are less developed, making it more likely to develop respiratory and ear infections triggered by secondhand smoke to snuff. Because they are smaller and they breathe faster than adults, they breathe in more harmful chemicals per pound of weight than an adult at the same time. In the numerous studies of the effects of snuff smoke in the environment on the health of children has found that snuff smoke exposure causes an increase in bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. In turn, exposure to smoke trigger asthma attacks in children with asthma and some scientists argue that cause asthma in healthy children.
Meanwhile, snuff significantly increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome in infants. This may be due to exposure to snuff smoke in utero or in the environment after birth. It is estimated that half of the world's children live in households where people smoke.
Smoking by pregnant women and the exposure of pregnant nonsmokers to smoke snuff reduce the average weight of babies at birth. On average the children of smokers weighed at birth to 420 grams less than children of nonsmokers. This difference is related weight in the number of cigarettes smoked during pregnancy. Every cigarette reduces 11 grams birth weight.
Twenty out of every hundred children living in poor countries of the world are addicted to snuff. So said a study by the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted in poor countries. He also reported that most children addicted began smoking before the age of 12 years and many of them want to quit but find it very difficult.
Currently, 30% of the world's smokers are between 12 and 13. The influence of fashion, advertising and social customs as well as making the children imitate their parents' smoking are the main causes that lead children to start fumar.Si current trends continue unchanged, 250 million children alive today will die as a result of taking snuff in the next 25 years. This proved that the earlier a person starts smoking, the greater the risk to their health and makes it harder to quit.

education experts recommend be educated in the rejection of the snuff since he was five years. It is there when you need to point out the dangers of snuff and the horrors it causes to health. Explain that engages snuff and that those who smoke pass very wrong to want to leave and that if the movies show it as something normal, because behind it there are people interested in money spent smoking.
providing for measures for the child to grow up with the idea that the smoke is normal, it is up to parents. Prohibit smoking beside him, talking about friends who smoke, about the unpleasant smell that is left after smoking, are part of a domestic campaign to be conserved in time.
What can parents do to avoid the use of Snuff:
• Do not allow smoking at home and enforce your No Smoking rule.
• Ask if you're talking about snuff in school.
• Ask about the use of snuff by friends; extol the children who do not smoke.
• Do not allow your children to handle smoking materials.
• Do not let your kids play with cigarettes (cigarettes) sweet. They are symbols of real cigarettes and young children who use them more likely to smoke.
• Support the efforts of not smoking in the school and the community and inform school officials you expect them to enforce the no smoking policy.
• Make snuff is not available for children and adolescents, supports the higher taxes on snuff, licensing of vendors and the banning of cigarette vending machines without personal attention.
• Discuss with your children the false and misleading images used in advertisements and movies which portray smoking as glamorous, healthy, sexy and mature.
• Emphasize short-term negative effects such as bad smell in the mouth, yellowed fingers, smelly clothes, shortness of breath and decreased performance in sports.
• Emphasize that nicotine is addictive. Help children to say "No" to snuff with games represent situations in which the couple offered snuff.
If your child or teen has already started using snuff, the following steps can help you to stop:
• Advise him / her to stop smoking. Do not front, give moral support and respectful.
• Assist his / her efforts to quit and express your desire to help.
• Provide educational materials.
• Help your teen to identify relevant personal reasons for quitting.
• If you smoke, according to his son to quit smoking and negotiate a date to do so.
• Enlist the child's pediatrician or family doctor to help the child to quit.
• If the child is using other drugs or alcohol or there are problems with mood disorders or other disorders, evaluation by a child and adolescent psychiatrist or other mental health professional may be indicated.
"To survive, the tobacco industry needs new smokers each year seclusion to replace those that are leaving and / or are dying from diseases related to snuff. These new smokers, they are mostly teenagers. "(Gro Harlem, director of WHO).
Source: somospadres.com
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