Thursday, March 11, 2010

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Is smoking really does so much harm?

Yes, because smoking increases 10 times the possibility of myocardial infarction. 85% of lung cancer deaths are directly related to smoking.

snuff consumption is the leading cause of preventable disease and preventable mortality in developed countries. Children of smokers are 70% more likely to be hospitalized for respiratory diseases. Finally, the weight of newborns whose mothers smoke less compared with that of other children of nonsmokers. The number of people who die daily prematurely from smoking, equivalent to three 747 jumbo jets crashing with no survivors. It is also the snuff causing 80% mortality from chronic pulmonary disease.

Why smoke?

Smoking is not only a habit, it is also a drug because the smoking snuff meets all the criteria that define the substance as such:

- Existence of tolerance (need to smoke more and more to sear)
- Unit (compelling need to continue smoking)
- abstinence syndrome in the absence of it (symptoms appear at suspends the cigarette).
- Compulsive Behavior

What causes dependency?

The head of the dependence is nicotine, a substance with great power of addiction, similar to other drugs such as heroin or cocaine. The form of dependence generated by smoking is the Treasury, responsible withdrawal, psychological, and that smoking has become a company of all types of situations (after meals, with coffee, talking on the phone, to watch TV, etc..) It seems difficult to change the social relationship as it is practiced in groups, at certain meetings of leisure, after dinner with friends, and yet remains a habit that distinguishes a group of teenagers giving it a social value and maturity of rebellion misunderstandings.

What happens to the body when lighting a cigarette?

sympathetic nervous system stimulation, this causes increased heart rate and blood pressure, thereby increasing oxygen consumption by the heart. The transport of oxygen in the blood is difficult, as embodied carbon monoxide by smoking it shifts from hemoglobin is the carrier of these gases.

Constriction of the coronary arteries throughout the body by substances (prostaglandins, vasopressin, catecholamines) stimulated by smoking, especially in vessels with atherosclerotic lesions. This (the change of circulation) is a terrible effect it also affects the peripheral vessels thus increasing blood pressure and cardiac work.

Increased platelet activity, which facilitates a phenomenon favoring the formation of thrombi that cause myocardial infarction or severe forms of angina pectoris.

release of catecholamines by the adrenal medulla with a rapid production of serious cardiac arrhythmias, some causes of sudden death in coronary patients.

Reduction ability to dissolve blood clots own (fibrinolysis) Modification

lipoprotein transport tended to increase blood cholesterol.

What happens to smoke?

is estimated that approximately 53,000 U.S. deaths per year are the result of passive smoking. 37,000 of these deaths are from cardiovascular disease. In Argentina, 6,000 die according to the Ministry of Health and Environment, 4,000 of which are due to cardiocirculatory pathologies.

The effect of inhaling snuff is harmful, if not worse, in nonsmokers than in smokers. All risks which smokers are exposed, are also suffered by passive smokers. The burning end of a cigarette has smaller particles and more dangerous than smoking. These small particles when inhaled reach the deep lung and generate the most damage. The carbon monoxide inhaled by passive smoking causes loss of oxygen in the blood, leading to the lungs, heart and brain is not functioning properly. Chronic, changes occur in the structures of these organs.

Living with a smoker increases twice the risk of developing lung cancer or cardiovascular disease. Children smoke are more prone to this problem as adults, easily develop lung problems (allergies, asthma, chronic bronchitis, heart problems). Account for more hospitalizations for these conditions and compared with children of nonsmoking parents. Many develop cancer as adults.


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