More people die because of environmental pollution from road traffic accidents:
- According
- limit values \u200b\u200blaid down in Directive 2008/50/EC, 35% of the English population (16 million) breathe unhealthy air. If one takes into account the recommendations of WHO on percentage increases 84% \u200b\u200bof the population (38 million)
- pollute In Spain in the same proportion the gases emitted by the exhaust from road traffic (32.5%) and industrial plants that produce energy (32.4%, percentage by which power plants account for 21.2%).
- Inhalation of NO affects the respiratory tract and the deeper sections of the lungs, inhibiting some of the same functions.
alcohol-related causes: Alcohol is responsible for 3.7% of global mortality, as evidenced by a report by the World Health Organization (WHO). At least 2.3 million people die every year worldwide due to causes related to the consumption intake was associated with 6.1% of male deaths occurred worldwide in 2002, a percentage that among women was 1.1%. This represents an average for both sexes of 3.7%, but if you look only deaths of children under 60 years, deaths attributable to this risk factor is raised to 5%
Among women, where most die from alcohol-related causes is Europe and America (1.7% in both cases), followed by the Western Pacific (1.5%), Africa (1%), Southeast Asia (0.4%) and the Eastern Mediterranean (0.2%).
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