In these moments of frustration and disappointment by the wretched collective participation and location of the Peruvian team football in the qualifying process for the 2010 World Cup, we should avoid falling into this avalanche of criticism and no reason to express the mass communication and to broach the fans with well-founded reasons and try to outline what could be a process of re-foundation of our football.
not enough to require urgent inexorable and Manuel Burga change but to ensure that no other leader succeeding member of that bunch of undocumented and unable to thrive in football. Is the integral football the country has collapsed and this involves not only the directors of the Federation but also professional clubs, players unionization, IPD, second division, department links, Copa Peru, referees, juvenile training schools, colleges, media , businesses, politicians and the fan in general.
The process would require the following steps:
1) Replace the president of the Peruvian Football Federation by a person of complete consensus among the major players in soccer (clubs and players) in order to take the transcisiĆ³n leadership in process management short term. Flow for this office the names of Juan Carlos Oblitas, Alberto Tejada, Augusto Alvarez Rodrich, Teofilo Cubillas, Jorge Nicolini, Jaime Noriega as a potential captain and steersman of a zero stage of the process must have the particularity of being very short and unable to renewal or extension. At issue is to find a patriot connected to football, with moral authority to command general recognition and very complicated step of the process.
2) The new board of the Peruvian Football Federation shall appoint a committee Peruvian football Reorganization shall be multidisciplinary and will work a proposal for recasting national football and approach that addresses all issues and aspects related to the improvement of the (technical, sporting, economic, administrative, tax, legal, educational, social, marketers, medicine, communication, etc.) and whose period of employment may not exceed a year. The deadline the proposal should be formalized by a law for its proper implementation.
3) During the period of work of the Reorganization Commission, the Peruvian soccer emergency be declared in what will, if necessary, suspend the participation of national teams in different categories and the professional clubs of any international involvement. Also, the local tournament may be suspended or take out at its minimum. To this end, the Peruvian Football Federation, the Professional Football Athletic Association and the Football unionization must first studying the legal mechanisms to ensure stability and freedom of action of the players being able to create a special fund to carry on this difficult period.
4) The period of execution and implementation of the reorganization of the national soccer will take at least 2 years, ie a total of 3 years from start process, to address the frustrations and defeats, 25 ends up being very positive. Depend on how much will change Manuel Burga to know if this process is done with the permission of FIFA or the same will be disenrolled.
occurs to me that some of the following ideas should not get out of a process of re-foundation of our game:
i) That the Sports Associations Commercial companies become
ii) To establish the obligation of professional clubs to have lower divisions in all categories.
iii) Define an obligatory annual tournament of children in all classes: Interscholastic and second division at the national level.
iv) Set age limits on players from professional teams. Approve mandatory to align at least 3 players in categories U15 to U 20. Limit the number of foreign players on court 2 and 3 per team on par with noted minimum requirements for accepting engagement (age, titles, presence selection, among others)
v) to prohibit a cable channel buy the broadcasting rights of the local tournament. Encourage the true fan return to soccer stadiums and enjoy a doublet or triplet.
vi) Eliminate synthetic courts and establish a minimum standard of the playing fields to enter the practice of professional football.
vii) prohibit the entry to the stadium of the organized bar.
Vincent Gonzales Montolivo in the epilogue of his unforgettable coffee chats.
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