The background to the most important Peruvian soccer before the boom of the 70's are explained in three events in the decade of the 30:
i) Participation in a first world cup in 1930 in Uruguay where he attended as guests.
ii) Attendance at the 1936 Berlin Olympics where after a 4-2 defeat to Austria categorically in final stages, the game was canceled by the Olympic Committee claiming irregularities and ordered a new game is played. There was speculation that Adolf Hitler himself ordered an annulment citing an issue of racism against the Peruvian players, mostly black. The Peruvian government withdrew in protest to the entire delegation and the players were greeted as heroes on their return, thus beginning the life of one of the greatest legends in the history of Peruvian football: "Hitler stole our championship title Olympic. " Further investigations show that the reality of events was different.
iii) Peru gets first title of champion of the Copa America in 1939, played in Lima.
football events in these three names are repeated Lolo Fernandez, Alejandro Villanueva, Adelfo Magallanes, José María Lavalle, Juan Valdez, Mayor Campolo and other players who were obligatory references to our grandparents and long-standing journalists never tire of asserting that these were vastly superior to the superstars of the 70s.
During this period (1930 to 1969) Peruvian football moves from the amateur to the professional and, unless these three units, Peru highlighted by some of their individuality and begin to design the trend of the characterization of football: the touch , elegance, mischief, the game based more on skill than strength.
clubs including Universitario de Deportes, Alianza Lima and Sporting Cristal very young, and to a lesser extent the Municipal Sports and Sport Boys, were institutions very modest. Football basically lived the box office. Peruvian soccer player and was emerging as an athlete with little attachment to the physical work and very fond of night life and its pleasures, ie, very unprofessional. Salaries were modest, with exceptions or players who were lucky enough to emigrate to Argentine football, Colombian or Europe. The players alternated their sporting activities with their work as employees or workers. The press covered subtly soccer activities. In general, football was rooted in popular areas of Lima and was a crowd frowned upon for the upper classes and aristocracy.
It took 40 years for Peru is classified in its own right for the World Cup Mexico 70, after removing the arch favorite Argentina in 1969, ushering in the best generation of players who had the history of Peruvian football succeeded in raising the status of our game to new levels and unexpected.
This brilliant generation of players had a duration of 15 years and won the respect and admiration Peruvian international school, leaving well-established that trademark stylish football, respect to the touch and who knew how to add, at certain times, a forceful offensive and unprecedented physical preparation.
most significant achievements of this generation are:
i) Classification for the World Cup Mexico 1970, Bolivia and Argentina eliminated.
ii) 7th place in the World Cup Mexico 70.
iii) The subtitle of Universitario de Deportes in contesting the 1972 Copa Libertadores final with Argentina Independent
iv) The America's Cup 1975, beating Bolivia, Chile, Brazil and Colombia.
v) Argentina 1978 World Cup qualifying, eliminating Ecuador and Chile and later Bolivia.
vi) 8th place in Argentina 1978 World
vii) Semifinal Copa America 1979
viii) Classification Spain 1982 World Cup, eliminating Colombia and Uruguay who had won the World Club Cup in early 1981.
ix) Semifinalists in the Copa America 1983.
x) Teofilo Cubillas scored 10 goals in 2 world and is by far one of the leading scorer of the World Cups.
xi) Out of the above, the Peruvian soccer was glorious days in international friendlies.
At this stage of Peruvian football there are a number of important facts:
i) Football became primarily an activity professional.
ii) The presence of leaders who make time and have a positive influence in favor of Peruvian football: Teófilo Salinas Fuller served as President of the South American Football Confederation for 26 years, the presence of Augusto Moral, Rafael Quiroz, Alfonso Souza Ferreyra, Miguel Pellny, and others who tidied football.
iii) The military government of Juan Velasco Alvarado and Francisco Morales Bermudez uses the successes of Peruvian football and take advantage of them to the people supporting him politically as an effective element of distraction from the serious problems bedeviling the country,
iv) Professional football was complemented by activities at the amateur level, recovering the football betting provinces and work with the lower divisions, playing with marked success the Copa Peru, the Second Division, and the National Interscholastic football school, the Interbarrios. Tournaments for children, youth and reserves were played on each date mandatory professional championship preliminary matches.
v) This great generation of players, high-quality casts cracks that provide entertainment in Peru, but to succeed abroad playing at high level: Teofilo Cubillas (Basel of Switzerland, Porto of Portugal and Strikers USA), Hugo Sotil (Barcelona of Spain and Colombia DIM), Cesar Cueto and Guillermo La Rosa (National and America de Cali of Colombia), Percy Rojas (Independent Seresien Argentina and Belgium), Juan Carlos Oblitas (Elche Spain, Veracruz in Mexico and Belgium Seresien) Geronimo Barbadillo (Tigres of Mexico, and Avelino Udinese of Italy), Julio Cesar Uribe (Cagliari in Italy, North America and Tecos of Mexico, America de Cali and Junior of Colombia), Jose Velasquez (Hercules in Spain, Colombia and Bulls DIM Blizard of Canada), Juan José Muñante and Oswaldo Ramírez (UNAM Mexico), Julio Melendez (Boca Juniors of Argentina), Hector Chumpitaz (Atlas of Mexico), Julio Baylon (Colony Germany), Ramon Mifflin (Santos of Brazil, Argentina and Cosmos Racing USA) among others.
vi) is appointed Captain Hector Chumpitaz American selection and played in front of her like with Europe and Sotil Cubillas.
vii) The Peruvian football is in a fleeting moment considered the best in the continent and in most of those 15 years was ranked among the top 3 in South America.
viii) The press covers more intense soccer activities. Newspapers have larger sports supplements and appear in magazines.
ix) Television transmits only matches the selection or the Libertadores Cup and the championship rarely local, so that attendance at the stadium was far superior.
x) Pocho Rospigliosi revolutionizes radio sports facilities and local television and sports giant ovation. However, the radio which has established itself as the legitimate companion of true football fans.
That generation did also alternated wins and successes with them, defeats and failures in processes that were started so auspicious but ended in frustration due to internal problems, indiscipline and poor management of the group, the most striking being the following:
i) Eliminating World Cup Germany 1974 to Chile as Peru's superiority was clear and manifest.
ii) The semi-final round of 78 in Argentina which led to the embarrassing 6-0 with Argentina.
iii) The elimination in the first round of the World Spain 1982, with the best team we've had Peruvian football, losing 5-1 to Poland miserably.
After removing the 1986 Mexico World Cup at the hands of Argentina and Chile after the playoffs, in the twilight of the majority of cracks, Peruvian football entered a stage of decline and discredit all.
In the latter period (1987 to 2008) Peruvian football has the following syllabus:
• Elimination of the qualifying process for the World Cup: Italy 1990 USA 1994 France 1998 Japan - Korea 2002, Germany 2006 and South Africa 2010 .
The figures in this regard are to be feared: 1989 to date we have played 76 qualifying matches of which we lost 41 (54%) tied for 19 (25%) and won 16 (21%). We have scored 122 goals (1.61 per game) and have become 66 (0.87 per game). We have added only 30% of the points at stake and unless qualifying for France 1998 in which we occupy the 5th place on goal difference with Chile, we were last in the process of antepenúltimos 1990 and 1994 and in 2002, second bottom in 2006 and last in 2010. A record of mediocrity.
• Save a spot in the semifinal of the Copa America 1997, have been eliminated the other 9 versions, bordering in some cases, ridicule and newsprint.
• Save Libertadores Cup runners-up 1997, made by Sporting Cristal Peruvian teams have been Vapues by teams of all South American countries were eliminated in the first round in the last 22 editions of that tournament.
The only international achievement were the titles won by the amazing Cusco Cienciano (Copa Sudamericana Recopa Sudamerica 2003 and 2004) winning the most important teams of Argentina (River Plate and Boca Juniors).
At times we live in a globalized world that soccer has gained a universal dimension en los últimos 10 años, podemos afirmar que el fútbol peruano se encuentra en la peor crisis de su historia.
La generación de futbolistas que tiene el Perú actualmente no es nada mala a nivel individual, prueba de ello es que han triunfado en Europa jugadores como Solano, Pizarro, Guerrero y Farfán, entre otros. Sin embargo, si se los compara con los mejores de la generación de 1969-1985, quedan en amplia desventaja por lo que lograron los Cubillas, Cueto, Chumpitaz, Sotil, Oblitas, Uribe, Velásquez a nivel de selección.
Habría que preguntarse porque hoy en día que las condiciones para el fútbol son más favorables y si el fútbol es una de las actividades que tienen more coverage in the media and his fans have caught on in the highest circles of our society and why we find ourselves.
We encourage you to give some explanations:
1) The technical level of the current players is much lower than that of the generation from 1969 to 1985.
2) lost interest and importance tournaments and training of children, the same Copa Peru and the second division.
3) Soccer is generally handled by a group of leaders incompetent, corrupt and improvised, both the clubs and the ADFP and of course the Peruvian Football Federation.
4) football left de ser un espectáculo familiar para el hincha común y corriente. La televisión y las barras bravas se encargaron alejar a los verdaderos aficionados al fútbol.
5) Cuando juega la Selección o en partidos importantes son los precios irracionales los que ahuyentan a los hinchas cautivos y atrae a los turistas.
6) El sistema del fútbol peruano ha colapsado en conjunto y nos encontramos en caída libre.
Ir a un Mundial no soluciona nada y de cara a la triste realidad de nuestro fútbol eso suena a utopía.
Entonces ¿fuimos buenos alguna vez? La respuesta es que si de 1969 a 1985 el Perú si bien no fue una potencia mundial, tuvo un fútbol que se ganó el respeto and admiration.
We expect the system to change and improve, to appoint new officers and new leaders appear, that the clubs are made by private companies that management's ownership and transparency.
That the media focus on support football as entertainment and not as a business.
Consider that things go in cycles, that if we had to wait 40 years to attend a World Cup and let ripen an exceptional generation of players, we are within normal.
Patience and good humor.
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