The plan was delivered to Sedena air fleet and infrastructure
PGR for drug crop eradication.
Despite the limited experience in the fields of narcotics fumigation, now the Mexican Air Force (FAM) is responsible for that task, since 2006.
In December 2006, the Office of the President instructed the Attorney General's Office to coordinate with the Ministry of National Defense carryover effects definitively tasks eradication of illicit crops.
Based on the above, on 28 February 2007 the two agencies signed an agreement that formalized the transfer to the Ministry of Defence, the technical and financial resources destined to the PGR to this work.
April 9 following the betrayal WITH THE approval of the Senate, and began the physical delivery of goods and resources spent to expand the capabilities of the Army and Air Force combat drug trafficking.
The Senate immediately realized the immediate decenso aerial spraying of narcotics and the drastic drop in acres sprayed, nevertheless concluded that ...
... "Beyond this, however, official information publicly available which we have referred, it appears that the eradication of illicit crops reported by the Federal Government between 2006 and 2007, declined, even considering the transfer of resources from the PGR to the Ministry of Defence, from 22,103.3 to 19,726.2 hectares (3.2% less) the period January-June of both years, an issue that is mentioned as a concern of the plaintiffs, which appears in the preamble to the point of agreement in comment
- Since in the Assembly Room of the H. Senate on November 27, 2007 -
manipulable Mandated by Vicente Fox Quezada, from December 2006, were initiated coordination meetings between the Attorney General's Office (PGR) and the League of Nations for the transfer of this dependence on various goods "aimed at expanding the operational capability of the Army and Air Force in combating drug trafficking."
The signing of the agreement between both agencies was held on February 28, 2007, and later to initiate the physical delivery of goods on 16 April this year. Established a program to carry out the activities inherent in that process, which considered the transfer of the following items:
- 5 major eradication Bases located in: Culiacan, Sin., Uruapan, Mich., Chilpancingo, Gro., Oaxaca, Oax. and Guadalajara, Jal.
- 5 Bases secondary eradication: Choix and St. Joseph's flat, no., Guadalupe y Calvo, Chihuahua. (The Skunk), the Caracol, Gro. and Coalcomán, Mich.
• Material flight. - 50 Bell 206 helicopters. - 8 Cessna Aircraft. • 3 storage tanks of jet fuel stationary, 21 tanker trucks for transport and aviation fuel supply and 57 different vehicles.
- Financial resources for the amount of $ 50'947, 822.00 for maintenance of aircraft, vehicles and facilities.
- Inventories, spare parts Bell 206 helicopter and Cessna 206 aircraft, equipment and different furniture.
- Communication equipment and herbicides. As part of this transfer of aircraft, has described 46 Pilots and 41 specialists from the Mexican Air Force on issues related to the fumigation spray, and for the maintenance of aircraft engaged in these functions in this way, from April 9, 2007, the SDN through the Mexican Air Force began air operations to eradicate narcotics through aerial spraying.

■ 200 percent tripped number of crops
■ There are only 10 aircraft to support this work
Gustavo Castillo García
policy is a failure of eradication of illicit crops in Mexico, said military reports and the security cabinet of President Felipe Calderón. During the current federal government is only 1.5 hectares of poppy eradicated and 4.7 of marijuana per day, and has 10 aircraft to make this work. According to estimates, has grown 200 percent over the number of fields.
At the beginning of the current governance, it was planned that each year were removed at least 3 000 500 hectares, but in two years and three months, according to the report of the Secretary of National Defense (SEDENA) of 10 February - what will this administration have been eradicated 3 000 740 hectares of marijuana and poppy thousand 129.
comparison, the Attorney General's Office (PGR) eradicated by spraying with the herbicide Paraquat between 10 and 12 thousand hectares annually between 2000 and 2004.
However, since December 2006 the Department of Defense took over all the eradication of drugs. For this, the PGR's transfer of 26 aircraft, 20 of them were Bell 206 helicopters and six airplanes Cessna 206. However, the operational status of these did not reach 50 percent.
Previously, operating a fleet of just 30 percent, the PGR eliminated almost 7 000 hectares of illicit crops in 2005 and in 2006 his achievements came to be close to 3 000 hectares, reports reveal dependence delivered by a request for information.
The intelligence agencies indicate that the Mexican government have increased marijuana and poppy, especially in central and southern areas of the country.
Some reports mention that for every hectare sprayed seeded three, so the 200 percent increase in the surface being used for illicit crops.
consulted reports state that the eradication has not been efficient, and realized this last report that the PGR produced during the government of Vicente Fox, as it acknowledges the increase in cultivation areas.
In this context, the sources revealed, Mexico is considered the third largest producer of marijuana and poppy crops in Latin America.
What has happened, respondents indicated, that aircraft is transferred to the Department of Defense PGR were "as junk."
The Army decided, given the lack of clarity you have regarding the maintenance of aircraft, most of which date back 23 years, would not expose its personnel, so that only has 10 planes to be alternating each month for the eradication of these crops.
The Sedena has been established through satellite images, that illicit crops are not only in forested areas, but the Paraquat no longer works, because organized crime has improved seeds.
response, indicated by the informants, little is budgeting the purchase of another substance to be sprayed. Data collected
reported that most crops were sprayed initially have resurfaced 30 percent, for genetically improved seeds.
addition, the Department of Defense estimates that this year will have to terminate large percentage of aircraft that had been transferred to eradicate marijuana and opium poppy crops.
In this context, it should be noted that the Army has 39 000 manually eradicated 550 hectares of marijuana and poppy 25 000 884 so far in this administration, that is, "there's a thousand percent better fighter so by fumigation direct. ".... Sic.
Friday June 18, 2010
National Drug Intelligence Center The U.S. confirmed tremendous increase in narcotics cultivation in Mexico
The drug has sought to occupy the spaces he left the State in the field and illicit crops currently live with about 30 percent of the crop, said the president judge of the Superior Agrarian Tribunal (TSA), Ricardo Garcia Villalobos , who said that crime gangs also prevent agrarian resolutions are complied with Security prontitud.En legal seminar on investment, shopping and participation in communal lands and their management in environmental issues, organized by the Mexican Bar lawyers, the judge, in his statement mentioned that the drug has prevented the acceleration of the implementation of some resolutions jurídicas.El 30 percent of crops are mixed, "are drug along with a legal culture," he said. Drug trafficking is a security problem in the field and already has for many years. He grew by corruption and now wanted to take those spaces left by the state, there is lag agregó.Rechazó agricultural trials, and that 550 000 cases reviewed all that remains is 6.77 percent of the cases, and it said, thanks to the efficiency of oral trials.
The State has failed the field to understand it not as a matter of national security.
http://www.elagora.com.mx/Aumento-50-produccion-de-drogas, 26244.html
production increased 50% drug
26244.html August 19, 2010
increased to 50% drug production despite the anti-narco strategy
Despite the anti-narco strategy of President Felipe Calderon, illegal drug production in Mexico increased substantially between 2008 and 2009, especially in the border area between Chihuahua, Sinaloa and Durango. Details
U.S. government and a recent investigation by the U.S. Congress on anti-narco cooperation showed that, for example, production of opium, which is grown in this region in the Sierra Madre Occidental, grew 50% in 2009 with the previous year.
"Estimates of the Government of the United States indicate that marijuana and cultivation of rubber opium in rural Mexico has expanded significantly. In 2009, the estimated marijuana production in Mexico increased to 12 000 hectares, 35% compared to 2008 and the highest level ... since 1992 ", says research.
"Similarly, in September 2009, opium production had increased to 15,000 hectares, 50 percent above 2008," the legislative investigation, which uses the data to the conclusion that despite the increases, the Merida Initiative has no focus on crop eradication.
Chihuahua On the production, the report of the International Strategy anti-narco Control U.S. State Department, released last March and cited in the Congressional investigation, suggests that rubber cultivation of opium and marijuana are produced predominantly in the rugged terrain of the Sierra Madre Occidental.
"The largest increases in both crops in recent years have taken place in the tri-state area of \u200b\u200bSinaloa, Chihuahua and Durango in the north, where most crops are grown," says the document from the U.S. State Department .
"The production has also been found in the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca in southern Mexico and Michoacan, Nayarit and Jalisco. While cultivation of marijuana is more dispersed, poppy tends to be concentrated in the western part of the country, "he adds.
With these data, the Congress notes that despite the Mexican government is committed to the fight against illicit crops since 1930, staffing constraints are undermining efforts to eradicate it.
"In fact, increases in drug production have occurred as President Calderon has committed more military forces to the work of public safety, including operations against drug trafficking organizations, which in the eradication of illicit crops," says the document Congress.
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