After THAT ... we have many opportunities for further education which are:
With ESO approved :
-BACHELOR: The school is the last stage of education secondary. It is voluntary and lasts for two courses, normally between 16 and 18. It develops in different ways: day, night or online.
Vocational training is the set of lessons within the educational system, enable people to have a qualified work the professions.
The degree awarded is that of professional skills for the cycle completed. This degree allows direct access to university studies to be determined from each cycle.-ARTS AND DESIGN: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL VOCATIONAL TRAINING:
as higher education courses in Art and Design knowledge integrate art, science and technology with the aim of providing quality training, professional skills and qualifications higher in the various fields of applied arts, conservation and restoration of cultural property and design messages, objects and environments.
- unregulated studies
unregulated teachings relate to non-formal education is not regulated by law to complete their studies with the issuance of a diploma or certificate of the center that teaches. These studies do not appear to opposition in the public and are of duration, content and variable hours depending on the course and training center but some, high quality and usefulness. The topics to offer these teachings are very diverse and very practical such as drawing, computer, theater, gymnastics, languages, cooking, management business, music, photography, etc.
Specific training in private schools * Vocational training
Without the ESO approved (without the title of the ESO)
-specific training is not regulated in private schools
Occupational Training: Directed
people of working age who want to prepare to enter an occupation or promoted in a job. Are organized according to the needs of the productive sectors.
are flexible in their programming, content, duration and schedules. Can be performed in Training Centres Occupational (CFO), collaborating centers, or in the same companies. They are funded jointly by the European Social Fund and the Departments / Ministries of Labor of the Autonomous Communities.
-initial vocational training programs:
In the academic year 2009-2010 are set Initial Vocational Training Program (IPPP), which will replace the current Social Guarantee Programmes (PGS). It must be said that the purpose and recipients are very similar. The Initial Professional Qualification bar program is aimed at students over 16 who has not attained the title Graduate at ESO, with the aim of all to achieve their own professional skills of a level 1 qualification of the current structure of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, as well as having the possibility of a successful labor integration and expand their core competencies to continue studies in different courses.
-Preparation of test access to intermediate level training courses:
Vocational training is the set of lessons within the educational system, enable people to exercise a skilled work of the various professions .
The degree awarded is that of professional skills for the cycle completed. This degree allows direct access to university studies to be determined from each cycle* The purpose of all these alternatives are basically:
1 .- To enable the "return" to education and avoid the final tear educational world
2 .- Learn professional activity to be inserted in the labor market
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