Saturday, May 21, 2011

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Helena Zifar Nieto in the library. Chronicle of the presentation. Articles

Yesterday I had the pleasure to present my book in the library Zifar.
I have to say that we really enjoyed the presentation. Covi introduced me Sanchez (President of AEN) and like the other time in the English Court, I became very interesting questions that I answered, and I served to lengthen the topic at hand. Thus
presentation became a very pleasant gathering. The audience asked a lot and talk about portals, forums, publications, genres, subgenres, booktrailers .... and much more. I met Ana Fdez
Forum RR, which was lovely and very involved with questions.
We had a good, sold lots of books, and there were even people who took my first novel as well, as they began to read A full stop, acquired Secrets Arena. There
dedications. And a man she did not know of anything that was not only the presentation but it also bought the novel. (A win an unknown gentleman purchased Romantic), which I thank you for coming, as to everyone else.
was a pleasure doing this presentation as informal as interesting aside and second, by the level of participation, because we laughed, we took some wine and some snacks ... It was a most pleasant environment.
Thanks to Adelaide and Paul, for offering us his precious library. Helena

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Andrés Boersner: Urban Culture and Language Academy

I want to thank, on behalf of the Foundation for Urban Culture and Society of Friends this special recognition granted by the Venezuelan Academy of Language. We were born a decade ago to manage culture and serve as intermediaries between creators and their audience, without Manichaeism or interests. Rafael

Arráiz Lucca, whom we remember today with affection and gratitude, and part of this noble institution, was the one who managed to assemble a team of human talent that carried out the publication of more than a hundred titles from varied sources within the humanistic field.

also be released discs, videos, brochures and organizaron centenares de conciertos, charlas, foros, seminarios, conferencias y exposiciones. Rafael Arráiz pertenece a la estirpe de Mariano Picón Salas, Juan Liscano o Simón Alberto Consalvi en la capacidad gerencial de dirigir proyectos para difundir y alimentar los valores libertarios, democráticos y de formación integral que nos ofrece la cultura en cada una de sus manifestaciones.

Buena parte de este esfuerzo editorial y su archivo permanecen retenidos en los espacios donde estaban las oficinas y depósito de la fundación. Diez meses después, sin mediar explicaciones, los interventores de Econoinvest, empresa que corría con los pagos de arriendo, mantienen en cautiverio y expuestos al deterioro dicho material.

When you retain more than thirty thousand books or disappearing thousands of copies of public libraries have the civic duty to denounce not only for ourselves but for our children and grandchildren who would claim our position tomorrow. The complaint must be accompanied, if not successful, by the possibilities offered by the Constitution.

I also remember our colleague William Niño Araque, who from the first infected by their enthusiasm, knowledge and human qualities and contributed decisively to the establishment of projects in photography, architecture, urban planning and sociology, for which many identify the foundation.

Each of us is committed to strengthen these projects and augment them to honor their memory and for the efforts of others, which today are persecuted or jailed by the intransigence and the arbitrary, is not lost.

Our fight is for the transmission of knowledge within a context of plurality, is in favor of creating the tools that citizens enjoy, identify and nurture their own concerns, to be an activist and not a passive consumer , indoctrinated, dull, cultural property.

Our fight is not against anyone specifically, but I understand that the obscurantist not please them our way. To them I say, fully voice that will go forward, strengthened by those who have always been the shareholders and promoters of this project: the ordinary citizen.

In a democracy and a cultural activity confrontation, recognition and affluence are indispensable / / Dible. As one philosopher and physician Lara "the worst dictatorship is fear."
, link
You as language aides have acknowledged with generosity and courage to a foundation course that will advance with the same enthusiasm and principles that originated. Karl Kraus said that language was the mother of thought.

So, to take care of that language and channel evolution is the Academy. And Foundations exist as facilitators of the various languages \u200b\u200bthat man creates. We then have a joint task to accomplish, in defense of plural language and culture, free and enlightening.

Tal Cual, 19/05/2011, link to the original

Friday, May 20, 2011

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Luis Valdivieso: Uncertainty in

The National Securities Board instructed the liquidator of the brokerage Econoinvest to inform customers that they exchange bonds issued by the Central Bank of Venezuela, that such loans will be paid in dollars. Thus the confusion is remedied there a few months ago when officials Sunaval and liquidators said all foreign currency obligations to investors in that company stock be paid in local currency at the rate of 4.30 per dollar.

A date has yet estimated Econoinvest to cancel about $ 3 million in this type of instruments, which were issued by the BCV for as long as the swap market operated in the sale of foreign currency.

payment to creditors. In this second week of payment obligations having Econoinvest bolivar remains average attendance level of between 35% and 40% since it listed 200 people per day are only going 70 or 80 customers per day.

So far the board has not received liquidating a lawsuit by customers who have debts in foreign currencies, which are void in local currency and at the discretion of the affected generating losses below 50%.

Econoinvest The criminal lawyer, Luis Valdivieso, said the National Executive led to believe that the problem of high cost inflation and currency was the result of the intermediation of brokerage firms. Circuit

Hits , 19/05/2011, in interview with Nelson Bocaranda

Thursday, May 19, 2011

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Brokerage Latest News: "They applied retroactively illegal to brokerage firms'

Caracas. Judge 13 ° of Control, Robinson Vasquez, went to court to eleven executive stock exchange market without intervention by the BCV, retroactively applying Article 9 of the Law against Illegal Exchange.

The advocates complain with a copy of the ruling. The Law against Illegal Exchange December 2005, amended in February 2008, they say, penalize those who breach the Constitution, law and agreements signed by the Republic on foreign exchange administration regime, trading currencies, but was an exception: " With the exception of transactions in securities values. The sale of the defendants was in U.S. securities, approved and registered by the BCV. The judge said it was the offense for use as a means of deception operations allowed but illegal purposes, although it was the reform the law of 12/05/2010, after the arrests, which eliminated the exception of the securities.

Latest News, 19/05/2011, 24, Ricardo Marquez

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already in the hands of the prosecution allegations against accused

The Attorney General and received a complaint from a customer group Econoinvest against the liquidators of the brokerage house. This implies that the prosecution is obliged to designate several tax commission to bring forward a criminal investigation in this regard.
customers requested an investigation into why the board failed to pay liquidating their investments in the securities that supported the operations through the brokerage.
After seven months since he ordered the liquidation of the company stock, began to settle such operations, but the payment was made in bolivars at the current exchange rate.
Those affected say that such operations were backed with paper, in many cases in dollars in the Fund Venezolana de Valores, which they could observe in the sub-accounts in your name are recorded in this body of custody.
"We could not dispose of the securities that we own, despite his accreditation to our respective accounts in the Fund Venezuelan Securities and certainty of ownership we have over them, in the case of repurchase agreements," cites the complaint to the prosecutor introduced.
"Authorities do not allege, nor can it, that our title as owners of the securities is in doubt because the nature of the reported contract provide absolute certainty the rights of the parties," it added.
The petition is signed by six customers. However, the research could benefit the 1,557 customers who performed with Econinvest repurchase transactions.
These investors liquidating the board did not cancel nor papers, nor in dollars, the outstanding debt that were left in Econoinvest for this type of transaction, the commitments were honored in Bolivars.
But for the stock company's customers found it better to have access to these titles support that ensured its operation.
Even at the exchange rate of the BRT, which is the foreign exchange market official titles, have obtained an investment closer to they had made in Econoinvest.
"The fact is that our heritage has been placed in a situation of unavailability, without any legal reason to justify it, "they argue customers in the complaint.
And for these reasons investors are even more justified in accordance with the statements of the board who spoke to the company, which said that the cessation of operations of the brokerage house was not due to economic loss or diversion of resources from customers.
then they ask "what is the reason why we are denied the availability of our money, which existed and was available for date of operation.
The response and was previously from the Superintendencia de Valores, at least with regard to repurchase transactions, is that such transactions were not supported because, as he is the president himself said the agency supervisor, Tomás Sánchez.
But investors insist that if the bonds were guaranteed in their states because of the sub to its name in the Caja de Valores these roles are reflected back.
Other introduce motion for reconsideration
Another group of customers decided to introduce the motion for reconsideration Sunaval. There are some who by their own and would come to this action, while others also appeal to this measure but as a group. There are several clients with the advice of lawyers in the capital area.
As set out in the Statement of Administration and Settlement of Securities Dealers, customers have 15 days to introduce this type of resource. The legal counsel shall comply with the deadline to wait for other investors who are interested in applying the same action.
This group of customers claiming various aspects, is also the first payment of the repurchase bolivar, taking into account the security operations that existed.
But there are other investors who seek through this means the release of the bonds in your name at the Caja de Valores. Is that although the board authorized access liquidating most Econoinvest customers to their roles in this custodian, still need another 1,500 customers are still without the papers to his name are registered.
Some workers require the payment of their benefits through the application for review. The liquidators have paid work commitments to some employees but not others. The reasons for deciding who will charge has not been reported for these workers.

Investors demand payment of their bonds exchange

Econoinvest Clients require the payment of exchange bonds in the complaint submitted to the Attorney General and review the resources that some investors been delivered directly to the National Superintendency of Securities.
In liquidating the joint list published with the payment of the debt including payment of the papers issued last year the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV).
The issuer canceled the principal and interest of these papers on time. That dollar payment was transferred to the account of Econoinvest, currently administered by the board liquidator.
However, many customers still do not receive that payment. This despite the fact that last year, some investors were paying their bonds in foreign exchange accounts abroad.
in the Securities are some customers said that they cancel their roles in dollars, as it was the commitment of the Central Bank when this paper bid.
However, the delay of payment to the relevant time remains a concern for investors who purchased these securities.
"Customers who acquire the Exchange Notes described above have not received, or the expiry of the periods specified in each case, or later, the amounts owed to us," they say in the complaint submitted to the Office.
They refer to the capital at maturity, agreed interest and penalty interest.
"We were not offered evidence or any explanation of the reasons for this failure," he adds.
In the complaint, the affected investors remember the procedure established by the Central Bank for payment of these titles: "For the purposes of the liquidation of the Bond Exchange, the Central Bank will transfer to the correspondent bank at the time ... maturity of the respective instruments, the entities shall be transferred to investors, and institutions account for these signals, the amount in dollars of the United States (USD). "

World, 19/05/2011, 18-19, Carjuan Cruz

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Econoinvest liquidators to appropriation of property liquidators

A group of customers of the brokerage house decided not to accept Econoinvest convened by the board of liquidation of the company to collect the money they had invested. Decided to accuse the members of that body to the Attorney General's Office for ownership of financial assets.

The accusation led to the prosecutor Luisa Ortega Díaz refers to operations in late 2011 ordered the inter Econoinvest inventors of the sale of securities and interest covered TICC-known as the Bank of the Treasury at the rate of 2 , 60 per dollar.

"There was a massive sale TICC portfolio on which our securities were," says the letter. Also denounced the alleged wrongdoing cometidos por los interventores. "Tal acto de disposición de lo ajeno constituye una circunstancia muy grave en sí misma; pero, además, en el presente caso lo que la información resalta y que no ha sido desmentida fue que la venta de estos títulos se realizó pocos días antes de la modificación del tipo de cambio", agrega el escrito.

El consultor jurídico de la Superintendencia Nacional de Valores, Julio César Suárez, en un encuentro con clientes de Econoinvest en marzo defendió la legalidad de la operación con los TICC.

"Se vendió un solo título de la cartera propia de Econoinvest con el fin de obtener recursos", dijo.

El Nacional , 19/05/2011, Economics 5, ARJ

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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FEDECAMARAS unusual retroactive application of law to brokerage

FEDECAMARAS President, Noel Alvarez, described as unfair the criminal action against the brokerage firm executives, since we intend to apply the retroactivity of a law and the illegality of Interest and Principal Securities Covered (TICC), instruments commonly used by banking, trade and industry, perfectly regulated by the Central Bank of Venezuela.

"According to the judge's view of control Vásquez Martínez Robinson said all those who bought and sold TICC could be charged, if accepted the lush approach it illegal. Means that all banks, industry, trade, finance ministry itself (which declared legal operations through its legal consultancy) and the Central Bank of Venezuela, may be subject to criminal sanctions, "said Alvarez.

explained that "The principle that states that there can be no crime where the law has not anticipated. In this case, trying to ignore this pr ecepto Publish Post. The Exchange Act Against Illicit force since September 2005 and amended in February 2008, expressly permitted in Article 9 of the securities transactions and excluded from liability these criminal transactions. That law was repealed on May 17, 2010, and now we intend to apply retroactively new version. How to judge people with a law that took effect after the fact which is attributed? "

Noel Alvarez argued that" the BCV and watched the operations authorized and in addition recorded in the "secondary market" in the System of Electronic Custody of Securities (SICET). Likewise, the National Securities Commission permanently monitored and regulated such transactions. "

"In recent years entered the market of securities thousands and thousands of small and medium investors seeking better returns for their savings. The companies were also massively present in that market. The President of the Republic urged to buy securities. It is rather irresponsible now intends to demonize such activity, "added Alvarez.

According to union leader, had spent five years buying and selling securities in the secondary market, so it is noteworthy that after all this time, state officials decided that allowing such operations Law, together BCV resolutions, exchange agreements, the oversight of the National Securities Commission is now be illegal.

also Alvarez warned that "it is disturbing that make a witch hunt and get to also take action against small and medium entrepreneurs who participated in the purchase of securities to access the secondary market currencies." , 18/05/2011, link to the original text

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A full stop - Helena Nieto

Is there love after love?

apart at one point and Paula finds herself abandoned by her husband, being in charge of their three children.

To leave the bitterness that pervades his life, his therapist advised him to write, reflecting their feelings and experiences on paper. Thus we discover how to overcome the pain faces the possibility of new love, of course not without problems and difficulties, but only must be overcome to move forward.

A new book by Helen fell into my hands, and a new book by this author I recommend without penalties.

is a book that while reading it reminded me of Sand Secrets by similarity of topic, but as I read the stories are separated. In this book there is another setting, Paula is a woman who must move forward after her husband left her side with her three children, this scene is one of my favorite book is clearly the frustration, anger and "hatred" Paula distilled in this situation

In the book we see the struggle Paula internal must bear the first to feel abandoned and destroyed because her husband decided to go with another woman, dealing with their teens and continue working as if nothing had happened in his life. These feelings are reflected in such a way that makes us feel every pain and joy that Paul lives later.

But all this is colored by the appearance of a man with capital letters, Sergio appears to sweeten the difficult days that Paula suffers, and I must say, that sweetens very, very well.

The book I liked it, is as clear as life itself, all the problems that a person must overcome in their day to day, all your fears and all your good moments. It is a book that shows the feelings of Paula and therefore not boring as in many other books that we are introspective parts that can become tiresome, this book has not been, indeed, the more read more wanted to know.

why I believe that the book deserves a 9.3 because it is a book that will surprise us and make us hold your breath.

Helena, I hope you continue to enjoy your pen ... Here is a fixed reader.

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delighted a full stop

A full stop, Helena Nieto.

Title: a stop.
Author: Helena Nieto
Editorial: Machinist
Publication Date: February 2011
ISBN: 978-84 -938291-7-9
PVP: € 11.95

After a divorce or breakup, often feel comes to us the world over, and it will be impossible to lift up his head.
To Paula, a woman in her forties, with three dependent children, two of them teenagers, and then an entire life with the love of his life, Michael, is much harder .
Gradually, Paula we will recount their experiences, their feelings, frustrations and progress, and it will be impossible not to be identified with this remarkable person, mother ... but especially women.

no better way to express the doubts and concerns of our hero, and mine as a reader, that this phrase, extracted from the original synopsis.

Is there love after love?

A full stop, is much more than a simple love story of modern and contemporary, is a novel experiences, feelings and emotions. is a story that brings us fully into the life of a separated woman who not only has to overcome a broken heart, to grow up and leave her husband for a girl without a brain, but with good boobs, of their children enter adolescence, and suffer with separation and the characteristic problems of the age of your youngest son suffers from a parent who has none, or no longer feel comfortable with your friends, because everyone living with a partner and do not understand your situation .... What's more, much more.

not cost me anything to get in the place of Paula. I guess being a wife and mother, it is easy to think that someday I could find to the bitter situation in our protagonist, and therefore, I started reading with a mixture of anxiety, which in the course of the pages would becoming excitement and hope.

is not easy to address many issues, because again, the love story, it is dormant, we are excited that after so many years, Paula's heart flutter again like a girl, an attractive employer, handsome and sophisticated. But not more important than your relationship with your children or your ex-husband.

reading will show a range of feelings as varied, from love, passion, burning .. to jealousy, frustration and despair of a mother and lover.

admit that I was caught reading, and introduce in the life of me Paula has raised many questions, but above all has given me hope. The illusion that however badly things go, and although at some point in your life touches bottom, not the end, there is always something better just around the corner.

The only black, so to speak, is that for me the end is a bit rushed .. are problems that are resolved in one conversation. There is an error so to speak, but as a novel in first person, we Paula has vision only, it took me a good understanding of the personality of Sergio ... I would have liked to know more about it.

I have dwelt more than they had wanted, and finally I just want to say that it is much more than a romance novel is the story of a woman's life that will catch us and we will reflect and will therefore not devoid of humor and passion, I liked it.

Helena Nieto Thank you for making it possible to read his novel as fast.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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Answers to common customer questions Econoinvest (and some useful tips)

My repo appears to Bs 0 after I sent all the information auditors asked me what should I do? We recommend
request Econoinvest State Auditors and the Fund Securities Vvenezolana where you can see your warranty.

Salgo in the list of approved both Bolivars to the dollar, but only appears in the list of payment of Bs. What about the dollars?
auditors must insist on payment in dollars of their investment dollars. Is legal and correct. He had

sovereign bonds. Appeared on the list, and the same is stated to be paid in dollars when they are released in U.S. accounts. Is that due diligence is being done?
If it is a Sovereign Bond Fund should be in the Venezuelan Securities and this can make your payment directly. My data

have not appeared in any published lists. What to do in such cases?
We recommend requesting a Econoinvest Statement, and if not granted, comuncarse with Executive.

Amounts appearing on the list are different from the amounts due. What to do in such cases?
The listing came with a lot of mistakes, do not hesitate to make a claim demanding payment of the correct amount with hand Statements.

What can customers out refused to recognize her assets?
There is no justification for rejection. In such a case could contact Econoinvest with your statement, to review their situation.

What about customers who refuse to receive payment for their investment Bs in dollars?
Some clients will not accept payment of their claims Bs in dollars and will demand. Contáctenlos to join this demand

My payment went approved as bolivar and dollars, but only to collect Bs. When paying the dollars? Should not they reported back to the bonus?
Indeed, they must pay in hard currency such obligations and must require the bond to guarantee their repos.

What about people approved with no legal payment date? Those legal
Econoinvest approved with no due date yet, should require that it be done immediately.

What if the titles are not released into the Venezuelan Securities Fund?
CVV If the titles are not released, we suggest addressing the case and revoke the mandate of Econoinvest as a depositor.

Econoinvest What if he refuses to give me back my statement?
If the auditors do not want to give a copy of your Statement, contact your Account Executive. He can help.

Other information:

  • Bonds have not been released, must be claimed @ Econoinvest auditors for their immediate release.
  • @ Econoinvest reminder that, had more than $ 40 million in bonds and PDVSA, which support the $ 20 billion in repos. No obligation
  • @ Econoinvest customer may be refused, must demand payment as there are more foreign currency assets of U.S. $ 40 million.
  • Legally, in the repos, securities collateral is of those who made the investment (ie, customers).
  • dollar investments in Econoinvest, had support in securities in the Fund Venezolana de Valores, must demand payment in dollars or Bono had in gararantia.
  • Titles in the Venezuelan Securities Fund were to ensure that customers Econoinvest. At maturity of the repo, auditors could not take them without permission or payment. The Caja Venezolana
  • securities custodian is the entity, and the restricted account Econoinvest bonds were guaranteed repurchase.
  • Econoinvest accounts in foreign currency, were blocked by domestic banks for handling that could not be explained by the liquidators.
  • The list published by auditors Econoinvest shows that take place Exchange Bond payment in dollars once again open.
  • BCV published regulations which confirms that customers pay to the holders of Exchange Notes should be in dollars.
  • Regarding the exchange bonds were paid by the BCV Econoinvest on their maturity, may call BCV to 8015953.

Friday, May 13, 2011

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Econoinvest Clients claim their dollars and prepare demand

A Econoinvest client group was organized to bring a lawsuit against the liquidators of the brokerage house because the payment is being made in bolivars, not dollars. And also for the delay to honor the commitments. The board began liquidating
this week to pay investors with which this company was in debt securities at the time of intervention, in May last year.
The payments were made in bolivars, not dollars, which caused discontent among customers, given that their investments are made at an exchange rate implied higher at today's official Venezuela (Bs.F. 4 , 30 per dollar). While others indicate that their transactions were conducted Econoinvest money from foreign exchange savings of a lifetime, so their assets are also disadvantaged. The other incorformidad
why they are willing to sue is by the time it took the joint liquidator in payments begin, after nearly a year after surgery and six months after the deadline established for the evaluation of requests for credits. January 28 is over the legal period established for that review.
But the greatest disappointment of customers is that in July last year, even before the start of the period for submission of requests for credits, the board checks liquidating taught many. At that time only gained a few, older people and other clients with medical emergencies.
"It took six months to analyze something that had already recognized from before," says one investor. "He taught me check was for the same amount than now, but I turned him over, "he adds.
The board approved the payment liquidating 2,057 individuals, some 405 companies and 28 savings banks. This commitment was honored Bs, and the reason According to the Board of Liquidators and the National Superintendency of Securities (Sunaval) is that the balance of the company could not bear the payment of all customers in dollars.
The Venezuelan Cash Values \u200b\u200b(CVV), the company currently in liquidation, had a restricted account to guarantee securities backed dollar repo transactions, which made up the majority of the claims.
From the supervisor told him to customers such operations had not registered that way. But in fact, from the Caja de Valores are approved access to the liquidators for that account to honor the commitment to customers. Investors now demand
review the final report of the settlement to confirm that in fact the balance of the company stock was unfit to give every client their money in dollars. Besides also seek Econoinvest statements in the Caja de Valores. For that will go to the Attorney General. Bonds
Exchange in limbo
Customers also demand payment of their bonds currency and know that the BCV, canceled in dollars. These currencies were deposited in the Econoinvest account, now handled by their legal representatives, the liquidators.
In May last year some managed to exchange cash their bonds in foreign currency. The meeting liquidating deposited into their accounts abroad. However, others were not so lucky, and still not recoup the investment they made in the offer of the Central Bank.
The situation is being repeated in the recent past due as of the Republic, as PDVSA.

World, 13/05/2011, 14-15, Carjuan Cruz

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Did campaign to end with the stock market?

A person familiar with the capital market, in private, he asked for a hearing if behind the disappearance of the stock market would not be transnational banking. "How and where they planned this destruction?" He said
no answer, because nobody would have thought that a transnational elites and large groups to destroy the efforts of a mechanism that sought to democratize capital in Venezuela.
Was planned the attack and destruction from an international center market and manipulating the ignorance of some to destroy everything? This issue may warrant a high government response. For now, it remains at the level of speculation. Be investigated and further in the matter.
be worth remembering how investment and benefits of the Venezuelan debt was for the few. But the market took a big boost especially in 2007 with the mega bonuses.
In the administration of former Finance Minister Rodrigo Cabezas emissions were opened to all individuals and brokerage firms played a key role in the care of small savers.
If true that there was a campaign, how did these transnational groups make the spokespersons of the revolution, including its top leaders architects do something that benefits them?.
matter expert insists that maybe the only beneficiaries in this story were the groups' specialists in speculation, "playing from the abroad.
in the disappearance of the stock market there are things not yet explained.
Why the Government did not enforce laws to control or monitor whether someone or some company was making illegal? Why
qualify today illegal instruments that emerged in 2007 (TICC) and even funded additional credits?
How is that applied the retroactivity of the law? These are answers that some government official to respond.
There are strange things in this area, and ugly thing would be preferred to eliminate the market. A law allowing the existence of a swap and organizations authorized (brokerages) to market government securities, which today were criminalized. Reasonable doubt exists. Maybe ignorance about how the sophisticated stock market prompted the government to take drastic decisions and wrong.

World, 13/05/2011, 15, Yolanda Ojeda Reyes

Thursday, May 12, 2011

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What men think of sex beyond

What men think sex.

Sheridan Simov


Gender: Humor

ISBN: 978-84-938526-96

Page Count: 200

PVP: € 7.99

Release Date: May 2011


For centuries, humans have wondered not so obvious differences between men and women. It is well known that female sex is superior to men in many aspects such as emotional, cognitive and social development. But so far, science has avoided entering the complex inner workings of the male brain. Besides sex, what occupies the male neurons?

In this groundbreaking book, Professor Sheridan Simov discover the great mystery of the male mind. After years of exhaustive studies, has succeeded accurately determine what they really think men after meditating about sex. Professor Simov subtly shows the male mind, with the simplicity of an open book, thereby revealing a secret for generations ...

Take a look, you'll be amazed at how simple and powerful it can become reality.

Author Biography

Simov Sheridan is a performer, author and entrepreneur. Taking advantage of the constant flow of ideas in his mind wonderfully active, learned Simov transform their unconventional concepts into lucrative businesses that form the basis of his monologues and corporate speeches.

After a degree in Experimental Psychology at Balliol College, Oxford, and two years of work in Disneyland, Florida, Simov has worked in television production, leading programs such as The Big Breakfast , Space Cadets, and the British version of Big Brother . It soon became known throughout the industry for creating innovative formats for television. In 2003 he became editor of the program Big Brother Channel 4 , and throughout his career television also participated in the discovery and release of many stars like Kelly Brook, Tess Daly, and Russell Brand.

addition to a successful career in television production, Simov has built an empire of merchandising highly innovative: to sell a million gifts, executive toys, adult candy, books and greeting cards worldwide ... He won the Gift Year twice by two of his creations. Gained a reputation worldwide as the best-selling author What men think of sex beyond , a book 200 pages are completely blank inside. This title has become number 7 of the bestsellers Amazon ranking.

Simov Sheridan is being a best seller sales in the United Kingdom. Once given away the smile, this book has become the fashion agenda across London, from the passenger subway to college students.

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stock market crash and death of swap is expensive to the Government will

The stock market crash was not free to the Government. Delete the swap and say goodbye to the brokerage cost the state the interest of foreign investors.
Now Venezuela has to offer one of the highest interests of the region with the highest performance in the world, to make their debt be interesting to and achieve international buyers obtain the financing you're looking for, it also leads to greater immediate entrance of dollars that fuel the demand for foreign exchange.
The latest issue of debt sold last year after stock market crisis and its almost total disappearance, was offered with a coupon of 12.75% (Global 2022, and PDVSA bonds 2022), now is generating a yield of 18%, which the Republic will cost about $ 18,000 million at maturity. Remember
financial analysts from brokerage firms that acted as local investors in the eyes of foreigners. And as intermediaries will liquidity generated inventory of papers of the Republic (including bonuses PDVSA). Every day drove brokerage firms that market by buying and selling existing roles. For an investor
The conduct of local investors is an indicator: "When a foreign investors began to anticipate that the locals are buying debt is because they are aware that there is information that he has and that these facilities operate, which makes debt is made palatable, "explains one of the old actors of the stock market.
"When a bank decides to sell a significant portion of the debt you have in your portfolio, for example, international investors perceive the possible action and immediately begins to lose some debt because they anticipate that there will be liquidity in the local market, "he adds.
But now is another story. Financial Analysts explain that to the capital market also movement over foreign investors watched the Venezuelan government debt papers.
This was removed after the Exchange Crimes Act to the permissibility of trading securities in foreign currency and forbade them companies intermediation sector and to the holding of government bonds.
A bench in three and two
The country's banking system also functioned Just as brokerage firms in foreign markets, especially with direct operations of its treasury, to streamline and provide liquidity to their investment portfolios, and supplement their income and generate profitability.
But even now the banks have the exclusivity of the intermediation of government debt securities, do not interact directly with foreign markets, but only negotiate with the transaction center of the country at this time, the BCV. Banks are required to negotiate such bonds through the BRT.
foreign investors, according to financial experts do not feel that this new system has the necessary movement to streamline the portfolio, not even those who wager more on emerging markets.
The main reason, say analysts, is that the Central Bank's primary objective is to satisfy the demand for dollars in the country, but does not produce the cash to the bond debt that previous generations securities firms.
"Overseas anyone explain why there are no institutions or brokers in Venezuela, which are those with the ability to place more public debt bonds in international markets," says one of the actors of the late capital market the country.
This, for large foreign investors, represents a risk. Although the Republic has never failed to honor its debt commitments, to an international buyer will appeal the fact remains that in Venezuela, no private institution can respond to a lack of payment on the due date of the paper.
"Although the possibility of default is remote, it is not impossible," remember the corridors consulted. "When investors think they assume that the probability of risk must be of a more expensive interest," he adds.
Carlos Jaramillo, a professor of IESA and capital market expert, remember that a higher coupon is for a nation to pay more money during the existence of that role.
"It is true that high interest to sell the bond guarantees less discount and raise more dollars for this title. But a high coupon agrees to pay a higher amount for the entire life of the bond, "says the scholar.
" To the extent that borrows more than the Republic, the debt service is more important every year, "he added.
gain was abandoned
The sacrifice of the Republic to the latest releases not only reflected in the coupon you are offering, but also the selling price of emissions.
In 2007, the state began to make offers debt issues "on par" for example, if the name of the paper was $ 1,000, the price of that role belonged VEB net change according to the exchange rate at that time.
Before that year, the state was offering a discount, ie the buyer paid title even less than what was meant by the name of the paper. In the previous example, if the price was 90% the investor paid only $ 900 at current exchange rate.
Since 2007, the country's demand for dollars that growth showed that the government even began to produce emissions at a premium price. In this way, received more money for every paper sold. If that extra value was 110%, for example, the investor must pay $ 1,100 to the exchange rate at that time. Still, the securities are sold, the thirst for foreign exchange was the key.
This created an implicit rate above the official, sometimes much higher, and he left the state a rate differential, which after the destruction of the stock market was forced to resign.
Last year the Government returned the emissions at a price at par (100% of value). The sacrifice was mainly due to the exchange rate remained close to that offered in the BRT.
This coupled with the Republic had to borrow a more expensive. If you did not offer a high coupon, the price at which the role cotizaría abroad would be lower, resulting that the exchange rate increased more away from that shown by the BCV.
In this same example, if the value abroad is 80% in a course is offered at par, the buyer in Venezuela receive for only 800 $ 1,000 to make the exchange transaction, say the analysts .
"As someone who initially purchase the titles you want is dollars, those same papers are sold on the international market," says one expert.
the end what makes the price of debt is the interest of those investors. INFORMATION WITH YOLANDA

World, 12/05/2011, 4-5, Carjuan Cruz Lopenza

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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Econoinvest clients recover money but lose up to 50% of your investment

Almost a year after the operation of the brokerage Econoinvest, the board began yesterday liquidating payments to customers, who reiterated his anger over the fact that the accounts or loans they had in foreign currency are being canceled in local currency at the rate of 4.30 per dollar.

"I lost half of the investment was in dollars, but if the claim did not gave me the check and do not know how long it would take to give me an answer," said one person who attended the call and decided anonymity. Several

customers do not avoid arithmetic operations to determine how high the losses in view of their investment in foreign currency received. For example, if the transaction had been at a rate of 5.30 bolivars governing the dollar traded in the IMTS system, securities transactions in foreign currency. In this case, the loss is 18.8% but may reach 52% if the swap market was operating (was removed in April 2010) or some other parallel transaction.

inconvenience Another customer said that the meeting was published in liquidating a means of social communication of the debt amounts. "We do not understand why did that with the levels of insecurity in the country, "said another customer.

The meeting was convened yesterday were 200 people who were issued a check for the amount indicated in the statement and receive when they had to sign a certificate of settlement in which state that does not owe anything to the account you had in Econoinvest and liquidating the board is exempt from any claim.

for today is expected to continue the payment process an equal number of clients, including individuals and NGOs. The board believes that this first payment of debts is complete Monday 23 May to serve just over 2,000 customers.

El Nacional, 10/05/2011, A4, Andrés Rojas Jiménez

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The TICC, the sound of a ticking time bomb

The government has maintained the view that the brokerage illegally used an instrument that was created by the BCV. How is it that the decision to hold prisoners to the owners of brokerage houses is that the TICC is illegal because under the Supreme Court was an invention, when it was in 2006 that created the mechanism to deliver the Southern Bond II. Moreover, the government favored its machinery to manipulate the official rate and earn more for it. The TICC had their legal support in exchange wrongful act itself, where it was clear that the securities were exempted, was not a crime that is marketing these papers. However, in the last reform was removed and is on the decision they are accusing the brokerage firms, under the guise of a feedback mechanism which is not provided in the Constitution. Sources have indicated that they know about the innocence of many owners of brokerage houses, but Chacumbule interventions on the subject are forced to remain in detention, serving a sentence for media reasons. A time bomb that could explode.

Tal Cual, 10/05/2011, 9, for my mother

Monday, May 9, 2011

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Luis V. Leon: "There are beds in the jails,"

Luis Vicente Leon, financial analysis specialist explained that the sanctions that are currently approved against brokerage firms "could jeopardize other important sectors of the industry."

Leon argues that "beyond the current problems of foreign exchange market, both past and present," there are several issues that leave the door open to many questions related to financial matters.

"I saw in detail the decision of the Court of Control and do not understand why directors deliberated prove that 10 prisoners. It all started with a complaint that was left to the authorities, where it was said that they were doing brokerage operations exchange without the backing of securities for sale "

" Later it is found that they were exerting themselves with the permissions and the reason for investigation was changed so that it passes a new law on illicit exchange, allowed prisoners to 10 directors and said that there is illegal because these operations were validated by other securities, completely contradicting the first claim, "he said.

For the financial analyst, there are two key factors that prove the wrong way in how authorities handled the situation.

The first is "the exchange agreements that had tried to give the necessary legal framework for power market operate with securities traded on Bs and dollars "and change the old law where it was" perfectly explicit that the houses could operate with dollars negotiable Bs.

The market supported the TICC was used for offices credit, individuals, banks, shopping bags and even the government.

Leon says that understanding the Venezuelan market made use of securities and therefore were charged with several investors, presidents of bags "under this interpretation be missing the beds in prisons, to apprehend those who committed the alleged illegality. "

Successes Circuit , 09/05/2011, interview with Peter Penzini López. Original link

Sunday, May 8, 2011

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The unusual case of brokerage firms / Luis Vicente Leon

soon be a year of what the future will be known as the trigger for the destruction of the securities industry in Venezuela. That action has its origin in the claim that some brokerage firms conducting illegal foreign exchange transactions without intervention of securities that bear. Based on that, prosecutors raided companies, arrested 10 people and now more than fifty brokerage firms and brokerage firms disturbed or in liquidation and another to deliver their licenses to operate.

Since 2003 with the introduction of exchange rate regime, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank created the necessary legal platform for the pressure and demand for foreign acquisition does not fall only on Cadivi. Thus, the exchange agreement # 1 and # 4 regulated securities, allowing that could be traded in both currencies (Bs and USD). Subsequently, the Central Bank issued around eight resolutions which authorized the use of the TICC to be traded in the secondary market, both Bs and dollars and in 2007 responded positively to a query of the Banking Association in favor of the negotiability in the secondary market for TICC.

These regulations are joined against Illegal Exchange Act expressly excludes the securities transactions of the application of the penalties provided for therein. It is only after the beginning date of these cases against brokerage firms when amending the Act and eliminate the exceptions to the use of securities, but obviously the laws are not retroactive. In addition to the above, during the legal process, it was learned from an opinion rendered by your own legal adviser of the Ministry of Finance which stated the legality and lawfulness of transactions TICC the Office of Public Credit.

During the hearing of the accused demonstrated the prosecution itself, unintentionally, that all the transactions in question were made with securities and were not fraudulent or simulated.

Despite this, the judge issued a decision that is likely to have serious repercussions for the industry because it believes the exchange rate of illegal transactions were made with securities denominated TICC.

This decision opens the door for other sectors of the economy are exposed. In this case, banks, traders, industrialists and, finally, the Venezuelan community (two million individuals participated in these operations) could be subject to research and detained by a judge, having operated in a market created, approved and used by the Government.

The public sector: compliance with an exchange policy promoted by the Government at any given time, can not later be prosecuted criminally for a specific official will have an aversion to the subject. That which creates is that today we have more shortages, stagnant, depleted reserves and falling investment. Furthermore, the absence of an alternative market legal and controlled, and demonized merely encourage the creation of a black market, without control, which undermines the trade and money laundering favors from corruption, terrorism and drug trafficking.

The private sector: the name is to be prevented, and that legal certainty is clearly vulnerable to study this case and this is a decision that impacts the activities of a group well above the five brokerage firms initially pursued.

Hopefully things take rationality and disposing of this trial, in favor of legal certainty and stability of our economy.

El Universal, 08/05/2011, link to the original

Friday, May 6, 2011

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greenbacks are conspicuous by their absence in

Econoinvest's clients are publicly acknowledged the dollar amount owed to them the brokerage firm at the time of the intervention, but the bad news is that your payment will be in Bs, and the rate of change Bs.F. 4.30.
On a list of 3,450 individuals, the meeting liquidating published with full name and identity card of the amount he acknowledged, and that did not recognize him, too, to each of these investors.
After a year of investment held, 2,057 investors appeared on the list finally have a date to get their money, but in Bolivars. Also included in the schedule of payments 28 savings banks, including the Seniat and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The other four they rejected his debts, including the Supreme Court of Justice.
In the press notice on the National Superintendency of Securities (Sunaval) and liquidators Orangel Nahunimar Godoy Castillo and indicate that payment will be made with local currency according to current standards Settlement authorized securities dealers.
"In case of approved foreign currency obligations ... the same shall be paid as provided in the applicable Exchange Agreements", says Article 21 of this regulation.
However, legal advisers to several of the affected customers explaining that the exchange agreements do not specify that payment of these debts will have to do in Bolivars.
"Exchange Agreements in force, specifically in the numbers 4 and 14, and calls to the auctions of these securities, provided that the initial placement is in bolivars and payment by the issuer is in dollars, lawyers say .
And, in fact, every investor should be free to negotiate these values \u200b\u200bin the international currency market. And if you wish to trade in Bolivars be carried out according to the rules established by the Central Bank of Venezuela to the IMTS, a platform where the customer could get a higher exchange rate per dollar of investment.
are 2,632 individuals to whom they approved his request for credits. As than 402 companies. Other 812 people did not run with the same fate, even for a payment in Bolivars. The Board of Liquidators, and then the same Superintendencia de Valores, they rejected his requests for credits. As well as 133 other corporations.
"I took all the precautions that I requested. And above, several board members had told me that I approve of my debt. They are $ 18,000," says one investor who was rejected.
This person, who said on condition of anonymity, at least it was one to which he released the bonds in his name were held in the Fund Venezolana de Valores (CVV).
Others, nearly 1,500 investors, even continue in that story, with his papers held at the Caja de Valores, still waiting for the approval of the Board of Liquidators to access their values.
is the case of Elsa Pasarelli, one of the customers Econoinvest which is still not authorized by the board of liquidating the bonds in your name at the Caja de Valores, until you can get that permission can not charge interest, or capital at maturity. Can not sell the paper.

The escrow account
Most of these credits is for repurchase transactions. And in the Caja de Valores was a restricted account with dollar bonds that guaranteed each of these transactions.
Repos amounted Econoinvest made $ 22.9 million. And in that account for securities were $ 40.3 million.
The liquidators had access to these papers, due to the management to audit all assets of the broker-dealer as principal to cancel all commitments of the company, especially customer debts.
At least that was the premise in the Caja de Valores in giving the permission.
Superintendent of Securities, Thomas Sanchez, assured customers that such repurchase transactions were not conducted with the guarantee.
However, according to financial sources, each investor could observed in their electronic sub page of the Caja de Valores each corresponding to securities repurchase operation.

World, 06/05/2011, 12-13, Carjuan Cruz

Thursday, May 5, 2011

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BETWEEN BOOKS Review of "A full stop "Marathon Books

A full stop

Is there love after love?

Paula finds herself abandoned by her husband, being in charge of their three children.

To leave the bitterness that pervades his life, his therapist advised him to write, reflecting their feelings and experiences on paper. Thus we discover how to overcome the pain faces the possibility of new love, of course not without problems and difficulties, but they only have to overcome to move forward.

Helena Nieto Second novel and first of his novels that fall into my hands. I had the opportunity to meet at the First Meeting of RA where I present this novel and what I liked about it is the definition that the author herself did it: intimate novel, full of feelings and told in first person.

Normally we are reluctant readers to read a book in first person, of course I'm not generalizing or anything, but I have found resistance in many readers. However, it is not me, it's more I was drawn to the fact that a novel could be counted as a journal in which the protagonist makes his confessions. It's a different way of knowing the character and the other characters as you know them through a different prism that is through a narrator-observer. And if it fits the narrative is much more personal.

The main character, who tells her story is Paula a divorced woman has to take care of their children and who your therapist to overcome the breakdown of her marriage advised to keep a journal. This is the starting point, and this is how we meet Paula and their children, the relationship between them and how Paula is again the love and understanding above all else.

In many ways I have found a very real daily because I am not a mother, but I was young and I think all girls have been having conflicts with Paula Vicky with their world, with his brothers. Family relationships that has struck me as very real, so much that I had memories of my adolescence and my battles with my parents on the grounds or reasons similar to those found in the book.

a full stop not only focuses on family relationships but also a love story is interesting. May not be what we are accustomed passionate, and there is no knight, nor any bold libertine as in the novels of the period. There is a lovely man, shy, simple, tender to win the heart of Paul through their understanding and patience. It is said that rubbing the baby is born and more because in this novel we can see that.

is a simple story and complex because there is no murder or anything so convoluted, so There is a complexity of feelings, disagreements that are very close to what a woman of today would feel if your world as conceived will crash and have to cope with their new situation.

I think the story is fast and fluid which makes the book is quite enjoyable for what happened to me in a whisper. It is a novel and therefore fiction but what counts is something that any woman could have lived the twentieth century. For that alone has merit as it is not easy to capture the feelings and thoughts but it is not easy to make them as real.