By 2011 had been approved out of 40 titles. But none of this will happen. Since the Oversight Board of the brokerage Econoinvest-principal sponsor of the FCU, change the locks on the offices of the institution, located in the building Mene Grande, the editorial process of the foundation has been walking rather slowly, but not has stopped.
"There is a balance that weighs very negative: the fact that a little over 30 thousand copies of the works of the foundation we have been forbidden by his abduction, sell or dispose of them in trade. In fact, is a kind of confiscation of goods which can not provide the foundation that currently do not have a sponsor as it did in the past. It is a fact that weighs negatively crucial! Weigh negatively than during this year no intellectual ties to the government, have official positions, has said a single word of support to an act that is clearly arbitrary and unfair. A foundation for having a few sponsors and condemn attempts to bankrupt ", according Joaquín Marta Sosa, who just released from the hand of the Society of Friends of the Urban Culture, a collection of stories every day are not happy , making him the book number 101 of the FCU.
"Even the Minister Francisco Sesto has qualified negative Foundation by relationships with Econoinvest ...
"The only blemish that the ruling will make the foundation is that it was linked to Econoinvest. It is worth noting that even at this stage, the directors and the company Econoinvest have not tested any crime. At the last minute attempt to charge the judge changed otherwise, because that was impossible to prove. Although we put that aside. An intellectual, whatever their political position, has the moral and cultural obligation to defend the book. And as someone has said, this is a somewhat unprecedented book burning. Of course, instead of burning them put them in prison.
- What Government left held more than 30 thousand copies of books?
"This is the first case I know in the world. The Nazis, Fascists grabbing books and burned. The book disappeared up in smoke and ashes. These prisoners put them! Now you know why I do not dare to burn? For what I call 'bad conscience': that they are doing is wrong, that it is illegal, it has no way of being defended or supported in any way. So instead of getting rid of books they put prisoners. They are there, we have not killed, shot.
- What is gained by that?
- Nothing! From my point of view is a blot on the government. If you think government policies that will report this to their political interests, to maintain long-term hegemonic in power, did not report anything. Not an ounce more support or more power. Rather, it is a rift in the cultural image, intellectual and even moral that the government represents the country. If you say that is a leftist revolutionary government and the behavior to the cultural fact of the Foundation for Urban Culture belongs to the historical behavior of the extreme right or the diehards.
"They're responsible for delivering copies of The Don Quixote and Les Miserables . What are the books that matter to the government?
-important books and literary classics as Don Quixote, that they think are ideologically bland. Don Quixote from the moral point of view is a work that opens the moral strength, moral opposition. In that sense it is a subversive novel. They think the opposite and wrong. De rest is more or less routine work of the ideology of Marxism-Leninism dry, the guerrilla warfare and other things, except that the perpetrators are stalwarts in this government. In this case the policy of the book can not be but a policy that open the book. As Vargas Llosa said, 'the book is only one way to be free. " When you make a policy where there are books that are in principle excluded, that does not facilitate their movement, are making a false policy. You're making a policy of non-free books because the authors pick and choose according to your own cultural interests, moral and intellectual.
- What is making the company of friends to retrieve the books retained?
"We made a long, long task of persuasion to talk with people of the intellectual world, the world's cultural ties to the government to try they intervene as composing the mess. Along almost year has not yielded any results. The response has been the same: let me see what I do. We decided to take another route which is to formally request a refund of all assets of the Foundation who have been kidnapped. These letters have been delivered to our lawyers.
- Addressed to whom?
-Two cards with the same content. One for Tomas Sanchez, general superintendent of banks, and the other for Nahunimar Castillo, the comptroller of Econoinvest. And if this letter does not get a direct response to the release of the goods that are asked, we will proceed by legal means a demand for both. Following this demand, assuming no answers, go to higher courts. Even eventually go to cultural bodies such as UNESCO. It's all in the way now.
- is this cultural resentment?
"If members of the foundation we had said at one point that this government is formidable, I assure you that no foundation had been tampered with. In the more individualistic and personal sense there is some envy by people in the public sector saw a competition for them was impossible to match. We have published more books that their publishers.
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