Sunday, June 13, 2010

Green Pea Proteinyellow Pea Protein

Fox extinguiò la Erradicaciòn de plantios de enervantes !

The primary responsibility for current conditions in Mexico, high crime, violence and bloody executions.

Former President of Mexico, Vicente Fox Quezada, and senior circles of the Mexican military, planned to strike a blow to the nation, in planning the termination of aerial eradication of illicit crops, mainly opium and marijuana -

The plan was delivered to Sedena air fleet and infrastructure
PGR for drug crop eradication.

Despite the limited experience in the fields of narcotics fumigation, now the Mexican Air Force (FAM) is responsible for that task, since 2006.

In December 2006, the Office of the President instructed the Attorney General's Office to coordinate with the Ministry of National Defense carryover effects definitively tasks eradication of illicit crops.

Based on the above, on 28 February 2007 the two agencies signed an agreement that formalized the transfer to the Ministry of Defence, the technical and financial resources destined to the PGR to this work.

April 9 following the betrayal WITH THE approval of the Senate, and began the physical delivery of goods and resources spent to expand the capabilities of the Army and Air Force combat drug trafficking.

The Senate immediately realized the immediate decenso aerial spraying of narcotics and the drastic drop in acres sprayed, nevertheless concluded that ...

... "Beyond this, however, official information publicly available which we have referred, it appears that the eradication of illicit crops reported by the Federal Government between 2006 and 2007, declined, even considering the transfer of resources from the PGR to the Ministry of Defence, from 22,103.3 to 19,726.2 hectares (3.2% less) the period January-June of both years, an issue that is mentioned as a concern of the plaintiffs, which appears in the preamble to the point of agreement in comment

- Since in the Assembly Room of the H. Senate on November 27, 2007 -

manipulable Mandated by Vicente Fox Quezada, from December 2006, were initiated coordination meetings between the Attorney General's Office (PGR) and the League of Nations for the transfer of this dependence on various goods "aimed at expanding the operational capability of the Army and Air Force in combating drug trafficking."

The signing of the agreement between both agencies was held on February 28, 2007, and later to initiate the physical delivery of goods on 16 April this year. Established a program to carry out the activities inherent in that process, which considered the transfer of the following items:


- 5 major eradication Bases located in: Culiacan, Sin., Uruapan, Mich., Chilpancingo, Gro., Oaxaca, Oax. and Guadalajara, Jal.

- 5 Bases secondary eradication: Choix and St. Joseph's flat, no., Guadalupe y Calvo, Chihuahua. (The Skunk), the Caracol, Gro. and Coalcomán, Mich.

• Material flight. - 50 Bell 206 helicopters. - 8 Cessna Aircraft. • 3 storage tanks of jet fuel stationary, 21 tanker trucks for transport and aviation fuel supply and 57 different vehicles.

- Financial resources for the amount of $ 50'947, 822.00 for maintenance of aircraft, vehicles and facilities.

- Inventories, spare parts Bell 206 helicopter and Cessna 206 aircraft, equipment and different furniture.

- Communication equipment and herbicides. As part of this transfer of aircraft, has described 46 Pilots and 41 specialists from the Mexican Air Force on issues related to the fumigation spray, and for the maintenance of aircraft engaged in these functions in this way, from April 9, 2007, the SDN through the Mexican Air Force began air operations to eradicate narcotics through aerial spraying.

Currently much of the country is full of marijuana and poppy, the United States have everything located by using satellite-satellite images of higher resolution the National Policy Office Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) White House knows this perfectly well, however there are areas in this country, concerned that the Ministry of Defence continue to "eradicate" the illicit cultivation and drug oversupply causing further violence in Mexico

According to the International Narcotics Control Strategy Report 2008, DEA report prepared with data from 2007, the efficiency of the Mexican authorities to eradicate marijuana and opium poppy cultivation fell from the arrival of Felipe Calderón Presidency of the Republic in December 2006 (although the problem is a legacy of Fox administration) . According to the DEA, after the Mexican Army to assume the sole responsibility of eradicating drug crops, "the eradication of marijuana levels were reduced by 21 000 357 hectares," and the poppy, in "11 000 46 hectares on the levels of 2006. "

DEA Document dares to apologize to the Mexican military and it is stated that "the decline in eradication rates is due in part to realignment responsibilities for aerial eradication. The PGR (Attorney General's Office) left eradication flights in December 2006 and the subsequent rate of eradication of the military has been slow. "

PGR entire fleet of helicopters that was intended to destroy crops of illicit crops throughout the country, was practically "stolen" by the Ministry of Defence and Mexican Air Force, for repainted, poorly operated, destroyed and finally abandoned, millions of dollars thrown down the drain.
Supports Army failed fumigation policy of illicit crops.

■ 200 percent tripped number of crops
■ There are only 10 aircraft to support this work

Gustavo Castillo García

policy is a failure of eradication of illicit crops in Mexico, said military reports and the security cabinet of President Felipe Calderón. During the current federal government is only 1.5 hectares of poppy eradicated and 4.7 of marijuana per day, and has 10 aircraft to make this work. According to estimates, has grown 200 percent over the number of fields.
At the beginning of the current governance, it was planned that each year were removed at least 3 000 500 hectares, but in two years and three months, according to the report of the Secretary of National Defense (SEDENA) of 10 February - what will this administration have been eradicated 3 000 740 hectares of marijuana and poppy thousand 129.

comparison, the Attorney General's Office (PGR) eradicated by spraying with the herbicide Paraquat between 10 and 12 thousand hectares annually between 2000 and 2004.

However, since December 2006 the Department of Defense took over all the eradication of drugs. For this, the PGR's transfer of 26 aircraft, 20 of them were Bell 206 helicopters and six airplanes Cessna 206. However, the operational status of these did not reach 50 percent.

Previously, operating a fleet of just 30 percent, the PGR eliminated almost 7 000 hectares of illicit crops in 2005 and in 2006 his achievements came to be close to 3 000 hectares, reports reveal dependence delivered by a request for information.


The intelligence agencies indicate that the Mexican government have increased marijuana and poppy, especially in central and southern areas of the country.

Some reports mention that for every hectare sprayed seeded three, so the 200 percent increase in the surface being used for illicit crops.
consulted reports state that the eradication has not been efficient, and realized this last report that the PGR produced during the government of Vicente Fox, as it acknowledges the increase in cultivation areas.
In this context, the sources revealed, Mexico is considered the third largest producer of marijuana and poppy crops in Latin America.
What has happened, respondents indicated, that aircraft is transferred to the Department of Defense PGR were "as junk."
The Army decided, given the lack of clarity you have regarding the maintenance of aircraft, most of which date back 23 years, would not expose its personnel, so that only has 10 planes to be alternating each month for the eradication of these crops.
The Sedena has been established through satellite images, that illicit crops are not only in forested areas, but the Paraquat no longer works, because organized crime has improved seeds.
response, indicated by the informants, little is budgeting the purchase of another substance to be sprayed. Data collected
reported that most crops were sprayed initially have resurfaced 30 percent, for genetically improved seeds.

addition, the Department of Defense estimates that this year will have to terminate large percentage of aircraft that had been transferred to eradicate marijuana and opium poppy crops.
In this context, it should be noted that the Army has 39 000 manually eradicated 550 hectares of marijuana and poppy 25 000 884 so far in this administration, that is, "there's a thousand percent better fighter so by fumigation direct. ".... Sic.

"Far are the days when Mexican society looked to the army as guardian angels in earthquakes and floods, because the role played in general until President Calderón, a lack of capable and honest officers, he sent into the streets."
Lydia Cacho
The Obama gave no big movement to data from Mexico's National Drug Threat Assessment 2010, published in March, the conclusions are terse: 'the greater availability of heroin in some U.S. markets . UU. can be attributed in part to increased production in Mexico: 18 tons. of pure heroin in 2007 came to 38 tons. in 2008, 110% more. " "Marijuana is also widely available, partly as a result of increased production in Mexico grew 59% since 2003." And he went from 15.500 tons. In 2006 to 21,500 in 2008, almost 39%.
"Increased production in Mexico is due to a drop in eradication (of 30.000 hectares in 2006 to 10,000 in 2008)." Preliminary data for 2009 confirm the increases. "

Almost one in three crops planted drugs in the country, recognizes the TSA

The drug has sought to occupy the spaces he left the State in the field and illicit crops currently live with about 30 percent of the crop, said the president judge of the Superior Agrarian Tribunal (TSA), Ricardo Garcia Villalobos , who said that crime gangs also prevent agrarian resolutions are complied with Security prontitud.En legal seminar on investment, shopping and participation in communal lands and their management in environmental issues, organized by the Mexican Bar lawyers, the judge, in his statement mentioned that the drug has prevented the acceleration of the implementation of some resolutions jurídicas.El 30 percent of crops are mixed, "are drug along with a legal culture," he said. Drug trafficking is a security problem in the field and already has for many years. He grew by corruption and now wanted to take those spaces left by the state, there is lag agregó.Rechazó agricultural trials, and that 550 000 cases reviewed all that remains is 6.77 percent of the cases, and it said, thanks to the efficiency of oral trials.

The State has failed the field to understand it not as a matter of national security.
"If you do not understand that is food self-sufficient food production and not the current provision on shelves, when exporters cut off our supply we will practically on his knees." He recalled that the dismantling of the camp began in late the 70's, when they disappeared systematically institutions such as Conasupo. "The camp programs were in decline when we move from the social right to economic law and the replacement of the duties of the State contributed bankers, leaders and governments, leaving the field in distress." As an example of agricultural abandonment referred to municipality Angangueo, Michoacán.
"Corruption allowed environmental degradation and violation of the law is what is behind the tragedy that the people now living on that site." Sued to open the discussion toward a reform of agricultural character to reinvigorate the agricultural development because it is no secret that "distributes only smallholding poverty.", 26244.html

production increased 50% drug,
26244.html August 19, 2010

increased to 50% drug production despite the anti-narco strategy
Despite the anti-narco strategy of President Felipe Calderon, illegal drug production in Mexico increased substantially between 2008 and 2009, especially in the border area between Chihuahua, Sinaloa and Durango. Details

U.S. government and a recent investigation by the U.S. Congress on anti-narco cooperation showed that, for example, production of opium, which is grown in this region in the Sierra Madre Occidental, grew 50% in 2009 with the previous year.

"Estimates of the Government of the United States indicate that marijuana and cultivation of rubber opium in rural Mexico has expanded significantly. In 2009, the estimated marijuana production in Mexico increased to 12 000 hectares, 35% compared to 2008 and the highest level ... since 1992 ", says research.

"Similarly, in September 2009, opium production had increased to 15,000 hectares, 50 percent above 2008," the legislative investigation, which uses the data to the conclusion that despite the increases, the Merida Initiative has no focus on crop eradication.

Chihuahua On the production, the report of the International Strategy anti-narco Control U.S. State Department, released last March and cited in the Congressional investigation, suggests that rubber cultivation of opium and marijuana are produced predominantly in the rugged terrain of the Sierra Madre Occidental.

"The largest increases in both crops in recent years have taken place in the tri-state area of \u200b\u200bSinaloa, Chihuahua and Durango in the north, where most crops are grown," says the document from the U.S. State Department .

"The production has also been found in the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca in southern Mexico and Michoacan, Nayarit and Jalisco. While cultivation of marijuana is more dispersed, poppy tends to be concentrated in the western part of the country, "he adds.

With these data, the Congress notes that despite the Mexican government is committed to the fight against illicit crops since 1930, staffing constraints are undermining efforts to eradicate it.

"In fact, increases in drug production have occurred as President Calderon has committed more military forces to the work of public safety, including operations against drug trafficking organizations, which in the eradication of illicit crops," says the document Congress.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Men's Lacrosse Leagues In Socal

Further study - After the Summer

After THAT ... we have many opportunities for further education which are:

With ESO approved :

-BACHELOR: The school is the last stage of education secondary. It is voluntary and lasts for two courses, normally between 16 and 18. It develops in different ways: day, night or online.


Vocational training is the set of lessons within the educational system, enable people to have a qualified work the professions.

The degree awarded is that of professional skills for the cycle completed. This degree allows direct access to university studies to be determined from each cycle.


as higher education courses in Art and Design knowledge integrate art, science and technology with the aim of providing quality training, professional skills and qualifications higher in the various fields of applied arts, conservation and restoration of cultural property and design messages, objects and environments.

- unregulated studies

unregulated teachings relate to non-formal education is not regulated by law to complete their studies with the issuance of a diploma or certificate of the center that teaches. These studies do not appear to opposition in the public and are of duration, content and variable hours depending on the course and training center but some, high quality and usefulness. The topics to offer these teachings are very diverse and very practical such as drawing, computer, theater, gymnastics, languages, cooking, management business, music, photography, etc.

Specific training in private schools * Vocational training

Without the ESO approved (without the title of the ESO)

-specific training is not regulated in private schools

Occupational Training: Directed

people of working age who want to prepare to enter an occupation or promoted in a job. Are organized according to the needs of the productive sectors.

are flexible in their programming, content, duration and schedules. Can be performed in Training Centres Occupational (CFO), collaborating centers, or in the same companies. They are funded jointly by the European Social Fund and the Departments / Ministries of Labor of the Autonomous Communities.

-initial vocational training programs:

In the academic year 2009-2010 are set Initial Vocational Training Program (IPPP), which will replace the current Social Guarantee Programmes (PGS). It must be said that the purpose and recipients are very similar. The Initial Professional Qualification bar program is aimed at students over 16 who has not attained the title Graduate at ESO, with the aim of all to achieve their own professional skills of a level 1 qualification of the current structure of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, as well as having the possibility of a successful labor integration and expand their core competencies to continue studies in different courses.

-Preparation of test access to intermediate level training courses:

Vocational training is the set of lessons within the educational system, enable people to exercise a skilled work of the various professions .

The degree awarded is that of professional skills for the cycle completed. This degree allows direct access to university studies to be determined from each cycle
* The purpose of all these alternatives are basically:

1 .- To enable the "return" to education and avoid the final tear educational world

2 .- Learn professional activity to be inserted in the labor market

Can You Wear Sweatervests To A Party

In the summer it is easy to fall into drugs because more free time and less things to do, more temptation to be more parties and more people on the street can do many things to have less free time and thus do not fall into temptation and have fun healthy:
Some methods are:

Go to amusement parks: To kill time you can visit parks attraction in the Magic Island, aquasherry, disneyland ... are fun and there is no type of drugs .. Study

summer: While nobody likes but is a way to kill time and use it to implement it in future

Beaches: It is most common in summer everyone goes to the beach to have fun with friends and not have to be in places or at parties that are common drugs. Go camping

: Go with real friends to spend time together without having to use drugs to have fun.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mac Foundation To Cover Freckles

ESO Copa del Rey -> Sevilla

On May 20 won to defeat Sevilla Athletic resusltado Madrid with a 2-0 in the Santiago Bernabeu field. The Athletic was better and had better chances but the end was the winner for Sevilla who won the fifth title in its history butler.

best came after the city of Seville when they learned they were the champions of the Copa del Rey and where there was a great conclusion to the match won.

Fluttering Feeling In Upper Right Abdomen

Drugs, alcohol and snuff.

talk about how to prevent drugs alcohol and snuff, many teens often start in these drugs to try new things and once you have tested each time they want to try more times until it is very difficult to stop using these substances.

* There are many methods to stop using drugs.

detoxification centers to help you pass the `` monkey''and help you move forward without having to take drugs. If consumption has been of drugs such as cocaine, heroin or alcohol, the process of giving the drug in a detoxification center allows the patient from the drug treatment that could restore brain areas of drug use.
also help with the psychologist who in many instances and as this may be needed your help, what better than a specialist.

* Methods to prevent the consumption of alcohol: Report

all young people about the negative consequences of alcohol consumption in abundance.
go to meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous are also
rehab for alcohol.

* Methods to prevent snuff:

nicotine patches
Eating a gum to not feel like smoking
Do things to occupy their time when you could smoke Willpower

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Funny Things To Say At Weddings

"Prevent the information communication media drugs? PERCENTAGE OF DEATHS

The information given in the media about drug prevention to children and youth is that consumption of these will become less so that people avoid getting into that world but in reality the answer is each person, each is able to decide if they want to keep eating them or not.

The ads show the effects that drugs can cause over time as people realize they can have a major impact on these issues however the companies engaged in the manufacture of alcohol, snuff, etc. still continue to produce because they earn lots of money and benefit them and depends on each si quiero comprarlas porque cada uno decide lo que es correcto para sí mismo y sabe que consecuencias tendrá al final.

Es muy difícil de que estos productos desaparezcan ya que la gente que fuma está muy enganchada y las bebidas alcohólicas son muy comunes en fiestas, celebraciones...

Son muchas las advertencias que ponen detrás de los cartones de tabaco como: fumar puede matar, produce infertilidad pero sin embargo siguen produciendo estos productos porque prefieren todo el dinero que ganan a la salud de las personas porque son unos egoístas que solo piensan en si mismos, así que creo que la mejor manera para que se acabe con todo esto es la acción de campañas contra la doga para conseguir que las industries are not producing new substances and that more and less consumption.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ontario License Bureau For Body Macanic

More people die because of environmental pollution from road traffic accidents:

  • limit values \u200b\u200blaid down in Directive 2008/50/EC, 35% of the English population (16 million) breathe unhealthy air. If one takes into account the recommendations of WHO on percentage increases 84% \u200b\u200bof the population (38 million)
  • pollute In Spain in the same proportion the gases emitted by the exhaust from road traffic (32.5%) and industrial plants that produce energy (32.4%, percentage by which power plants account for 21.2%).
  • Inhalation of NO affects the respiratory tract and the deeper sections of the lungs, inhibiting some of the same functions.
Child abuse: UNICEF has reported that 3,500 children die every year in Europe because of ill-treatment, being so vulnerable to violence as children of any other region of mundo.Según the report submitted on 19 June, produced by the Innocenti Research Centre UNICEF, entitled "Measures General Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The process in Europe and Central Asia ", the results in this area are still" long overdue. "

alcohol-related causes: Alcohol is responsible for 3.7% of global mortality, as evidenced by a report by the World Health Organization (WHO). At least 2.3 million people die every year worldwide due to causes related to the consumption intake was associated with 6.1% of male deaths occurred worldwide in 2002, a percentage that among women was 1.1%. This represents an average for both sexes of 3.7%, but if you look only deaths of children under 60 years, deaths attributable to this risk factor is raised to 5%

Among women, where most die from alcohol-related causes is Europe and America (1.7% in both cases), followed by the Western Pacific (1.5%), Africa (1%), Southeast Asia (0.4%) and the Eastern Mediterranean (0.2%).

Traffic accidents: Although in Spain there are fewer accidents and fewer injuries than in other European Union countries on our roads more fallecidos.De fact, according to data RACC, Spain triples the traffic accident mortality in the UK and German figures doubled to

Drugs: Between 1990 and 2002, EU Member States between 7,000 and 9,000 reported deaths from overdoses every year, which represents more than 100,000 deaths during this period. These figures can be considered a minimum estimate, because it is likely that many countries do not report all cases.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ballet Bras For Low Backs

* teens in school *

The school maintains a number of standards or rules to prevent teen trends, some trends are:

Drugs: Some teenagers feel the desire to experience new things, therefore, the schools think they should put a remedy to this, they do so by rules, for example if you smoke at school, kick you off, sometimes it is useless because the exit school who want to smoke will smoke, but at least at school they do not, neither smoke nor drink, or take other drugs, sometimes they do not fear their parents, or school failure, other sometimes they do because they have money to buy, or because that school is not addicted or anything, schools are also trying to eradicate this drug or campaigning work against drugs, or receiving a visit person working organizations such as project man, this trend is famous both for male and female.

Fashion: Many teens are trapped in fashion. As a large lodestone attracts them with a force they can not control. Unavoidably are tossed by the waves of fashion. She makes them dress a certain way, wear the hairstyle that you wear, hang a piercing. Many teens are trapped in fashion. As a large lodestone attracts them with a force they can not control. Unavoidably are tossed by the waves of fashion. She makes them dress a certain way, wear the hairstyle that you wear, hang a piercing or tattoo a drawing on the skin, listen to music, reading magazines and talking to your teens are caught manera.Muchos fashion. As a large lodestone attracts them with a force they can not control. Unavoidably are tossed by the waves of fashion. She makes them dress a certain way, wear the hairstyle that you wear, body piercing or tattooing hang a picture on the skin, listen to music, reading magazines and talking to your teens are caught manera.nMuchos fashion. As a large lodestone attracts them with a force they can not control. Unavoidably are tossed by the waves of fashion. She makes them dress a certain way, wear the hairstyle that bears body piercing or tattooing hang a picture on the skin, listen to music, read magazines and talk to your tattoo manera.go a drawing on the skin, listen to music, reading magazines and talking his way. The school tries to impose a uniform control, and punishing mistakes with `uniform 'who do not wear the uniform assigned.

Social Networking: There are many social networks as the tuenti to which young people are engaging, young people who spend time in these networks rather than studying, the teachers what they do is advise their parents to prohibit it, there are kids who are devoted to upload photos to grace teachers, teachers can report and there may be jail or remand to eradicate this. Language

teen: Teenagers have their own language, they bring the street and enter the school, using bad words or invented words sounding the school makes a rule that is prohibited and punishable mean disrespect to the teacher or the companion, also some are dedicated to giving nicknames to more partners, that is something which is also sanctioned youth understand each other, since it is a language invented by them.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Polaroid Colorburst 250 Film

* More access for the disabled *

The Metro subway system in Madrid is about 50% of the stops adapted for wheelchair access. However, most of them are not in the heart of the city. The subway route map, you can get in a subway station or tourist information office, clearly shows you which stations have elevators and are accessible for the disabled.

Taxi Taxi There is a specialized company dedicated to transporting disabled. Eurotaxi called, and there you can book a taxi 24 hours on the phone:

Tel: (0034) 91 547 8500
Tel: (0034) 91 547 8200
Tel: (0034) 91 547 8600.

They have ramps for wheelchairs and spacious interiors to give you enough space for your luggage. The Bus

The disabled can use the bus service EMT. Please note that the bus stop you need to do hand signals. If you plan to use the bus to travel and have wheelchairs, you should be prepared because the bus may be full. If you can not get on the first 15 minutes will happen next.

Commuter Trains - Suburban commuter trains

These are part of the national railway company RENFE and work within the community of Madrid. Have a corporate policy to accept passengers with disabilities.

disabled access to bathrooms

In general, in Madrid there are not many public restrooms. Then, the solution is to go to a bar. Not all bars have bathrooms with wheelchair access and, for now, do not have a definitive list of bars that do have them. I would recommend you go to fast food chains, and are managed to international standards in terms of facilities.

Disabled Access in The Tourist Attractions

Although the public transport system is not fully equipped for guests with limited access mobility, you can usually catch a bus and you can always call a taxi. Most of Madrid's main attractions are handicapped accessible and wheelchairs available for rent. For your convenience, each of our articles on attractions and activities to do in Madrid, also clarify which are handicapped accessible.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dark Brown Hair Green Eyes Actress

* Laws to prevent abuse * Studying for the future

There are many laws which aim is to make the abuse stop there, or that every time I go there less.
Some of them are:
Restraining Order:
What is it? ..
the restraining order is ordered by the court understood to protect you following damage from someone who has hurt, keep hurting, keep the abuser away from you, avoid confrontation and keep the abuser out of area, which may include your residence, workplace, apartment, or place of meeting. It is a civil order and will not stain the criminal record to the abuser.

What makes the restraining order?

If you are a victim of domestic violence, the judge can sign a protection order requiring the abuser to obey the law. The order is written specifically about what can and can not make the abuser. Includes the following: no contact with you in person, by phone, your workplace and residence. The order can also include your family and others in his circle
The time to apply the Order?

When I first received protection under the law, is only temporarily. The order is named TRO meaning it is temporary or temporary restraining order

law against domestic violence:

• It recognizes that victims have the right to reduced working hours, geographical mobility , suspension of employment with job reservation and termination of contract. In these two last cases are entitled to collect unemployment .

• A program of reemployment to victims, collection of active income. For those unable to follow the program, provides financial assistance based on age and family responsibility.

• The absences be entitled to aggressions generate disability benefits.

• Grants linked to the formation of battered women to escape the economic dependence of their executioners.

• Access Priorities officially protected housing.

additional bonuses to companies that hire them.
• Approval
care services to battered women in all communities and municipalities to ensure that all victims have the same resources.

• Adaptation of existing shelters to become integral recovery centers that offer psychological counseling, legal monitoring, social support and education.

law against child abuse:

The mistreatment of children is one of many situations unacceptable and unthinkable in our culture that, despite all attempts to "fight " is hit a ceiling. Preventing child abuse is difficult too if it is approached from health professionals only. Being a social scourge , responsibility for its occurrence is widespread and we must all be alert and ready to do something about the detection of abuse. Just remember to respect the hunger is a political form of violence to open up the court and not stay with a partial view of abuse.

The following summary is extracted from the Law 24417, against domestic violence.

Make police report of any serious physical injury on a minor. Any citizen any public official can and should inform the justice when you consider that there is a risk to a child, whatever the same. Not reported to a person or even abuse, but the suspicion of abuse or risk. The professional can take 72 hours to make the complaint to deepen the evaluation, if compliance with child protection.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dudley Lock Forgot Combination

Times have changed, vivim0s a dynamic culture where knowledge is highly mobile. Currently equivalent to ten years even once a century. The general attitude of our time is to keep learning in a process of continuous learning and continuing review of knowledge.

Modern societies require the rapid and effective education not only to pursue his own interests but to address the problems of social, political, economic, etc. From increasing productivity, literate in new technologies, adriestar to work and make people better able to use to combat corruption and humane social relations.

Pupils and students frequently ask themselves why and what to study engaged in a continuous present personal and social change. The deep motivation losing ground in favor of lighter ones and easily digestible. The context creates confusion and discouragement among young people by offering models of life adulate linked to selfishness, consumerism and the easy life.

Answering these questions is not easy. Tell that to what to do with the future, with the idea of \u200b\u200ba meaningful life project. The reason is closer to consciousness: awareness of who I am, aware of our sense of life and sense of gratitude to those who help me to be who I am.

A young reflected this: "what I usually happen is that I intend to do something and they do not, I can hardly never get to study ... I have a schedule. Sometimes I think that the problem of what happens to me is that I have no reason to study is a bore, a routine "I would say that the study is not something you do likewise, is something that needs to be motivated to born and maintained.'ll find the motivation to learn when you discover that a relationship exists between learning and some personal need.

often heard as an argument that those who study dreams have been frustrated when they have to devote to something they did not expect . No longer a shame that a young miss the train from the study because:

* is wonderful to know
* because the world has more things and more colors than we can see and explain
* because ignorance weighs like a stone
* because it is better to others when we know more
* because we can quickly understand what hurts us and hurts.
* because we can quickly understand what we need.
* because life is not just today and have to be ready for tomorrow, although the future is uncertain and remote.

study is very important now because you have to think about the future and the more you study now in the future will be better because the study is the most important because without the study can not do anything.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Scooter Start Then Stop

spring is coming, watch out for allergies

What are allergies?

Allergies are abnormal immune system reaction to things that are typically harmless to most people. When you're allergic to something, your immune system mistakenly believes that this substance is harmful to your body. (Substances that cause allergic reactions, such as certain foods, dust, plant pollen, or medicines, are known as allergens.) Your immune system in an attempt to protect your body against what it perceives as a threat occurs IgE antibodies against the allergen.

In turn, these antibodies then cause certain cells in the body to release certain chemicals into the bloodstream, one of the cells is histamine.

Histamine acts on the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin and / or gastrointestinal tract, causing symptoms of allergic reaction. The subsequent exposure to these allergens will trigger the same response. This means that every time you come into contact with these allergens, having the same reaction.

Allergic reactions can be mild, as you runny nose, or severe enough to have difficulty breathing. For example, an asthma attack is often an allergic reaction to something that has inhaled a susceptible person.

people more prone to allergies in Spring

Occurs magical awakening of nature, and moves us all alike, being known as, season of blooming gardens, love, y. .. of Allergy.

of a sudden everything flows like a whirlwind, and the air is filled with foreign substances our immune detection system, there are dust, pollen, hair, feathers, animal parasites, insects and other toxins within the body, such as chemicals (cosmetics, dyes, medicines etc.), and the same air pollution each day.

addition to these physical factors, there are of course caused by deficiencies, emotional or mental order, which somatize in the body such as eczema, asthma (the need for parental love and protection), whose origin is found in subtle body mental and emotional that we should not neglect its direct impact on our health.

herbology or phytotherapy, connects us to the living plant, we can look, smell, touch, grown or collected by us (nettle, plantain, dandelion, etc.).. Medicine is always born of conventional wisdom, with the simplicity of its effects.

* The onset of spring also brings allergies, and this is really difficult for people who are prone to. If the months of October, November and December have been rainy spring will be hard for allergy sufferers. But if it rains in May and June will benefit because the water helps clean the air of pollen.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

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Stratagems to help you quit and stay without smoking

When you start smoking abstinence is inevitable that during the first days or weeks, occur any time the urge to smoke. Sometimes in the form of compulsion. The cravings do not last more than 1-2 minutes, pro is necessary to prepare a strategy to address this situation and thus avoid falling into relapse.

must UD. Prepare for when the craving appear. The strategies outlined below are a summary of experiences of resources used successfully by other smokers who went through the courses LALCEC to quit when this desire appeared. As in a building or car we have prepared a fire extinguisher to extinguish a fire is not expected to know very well where it is, when we stop smoking we know what to do if the urge to smoke appears.

This list does not end in itself and UD. can enrich it with their successful experiences to maintain their physical and mental health, supporting his decision: I do not smoke!

* If the cigarette gave energy and encouragement, I undertook daily walks steadily and fast pace.

* Make deep breathing and panting.

* Avoid calorie meals.

* If smoking is associated with pleasure make 5-10 deep breaths as if smoking until you feel the air in and out of your tubes. Breathe normally.

* Never carry more cigarettes nor has it at home, office or car. Nor ashtrays.

* Do not take up matches or lighters.

* Do not say quit but "I'm trying and working to not smoke."

* Try to Remember the other person quit smoking without becoming "heavy" .* UD. You have to learn to live together people who smoke.

* Commit to people I know. Comment that has put all his efforts not to smoke more and needs your help to provide it with no recurrence.

* Keep your hands busy. Do not be embarrassed if you put objects in their mouths to ease their anxiety. Worse is "pacifier carcinogen."

* Brush teeth systematically and immediately (always) after every meal including breakfast and lunch.

* Avoid desktop as performed while smoking. Modify your stage of smoking. Run to another room after brushing your teeth.

* Shower, if smoking really desperate. Hot water and finish with a cold soak.

* Take a walk after meals replacing desktops.

* Perform a daily 30-minute walk briskly or other strenuous physical activity.

* Every morning aside the money normally spent on cigarettes. At the end of the week Treat yourself to the money saved.

* Do not try to lose weight. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, especially apples and carrots.

* If you are desperate for a cigarette, leave everything as is and take a walk 500 or 1000 meters, breathing deeply.

* Call or visit a friend who take longer than UD. without smoking.

* Close your eyes and count slowly and progressively to 20 .* Change your activities which consumed the most amount of cigarettes.

* If UD. smoked during prolonged activities (household or desktop) Interrupt every half hour, leave the room, do something else and return to the task.

* Avoid smoking more during the first month of abstinence.

* Remember the time it takes to quit smoking and consider whether it is worth wasting effort on the road already traveled.

* Carry sour candies and gum, or other similar substitute.

* Eat water whenever the urge to smoke appear. Eat at least one liter of water per day (one more than when smoked).

* Talk to everyone who has launched his war against smoking. Not against smokers.

* When you feel like slapping a cigarette, grabbed the phone and call a friend or fellow group or coordinator, who know their efforts to quit smoking.

* Never smoke. Smoking is a prejudice against yourself. It is true, and damage insurance. It is also a risk to your pocket, but above all, a serious risk to your health and that of those around you.

* Enjoy good health without snuff. If you do not smoke, your life will be like some 10 years longer, but above all healthy and happy.

* Do not be dominate. Beyond them, those who smoke, if you like playing with their lives, but they do not play with yours.

* The snuff is the greatest symbol of friendship which has ever been invented. Offering snuff is to provide poison to ruin health.
* From the best to be as far away forever. Do not let it control your will and your life.

* The satisfaction that you can presumably take the snuff, you can find in a thousand and one sites and safely in your pocket or your health.

* If you see any sign of smoke (and if not too), do assert your right to clean air. It is the first right of every living creature on earth acquired at birth.

* Smoking causes disease and addiction slave, whether man, woman or child, admit it or not. That's the reality.

* Do not hesitate if you see someone throws down a cigarette. Make him see that committing impropriety and disrespect others with their attitude.

* Think about the snuff only helps to do and think about when you will pick up and smoke another cigarette. The rest are fallacies infumables.

* Think that smoking is dangerous for you and your environment, perhaps to your family or your friends, but certainly for the entire planet.

* Do not play with fire burning just because they always suck Do a lit cigarette backwards? It is the same as the right, but a little later.

Summary: Being smoking is bad business. Of course the pleasure of smoking only takes money to magnates, discomfort, bad taste, nausea, and spitting, bad breath, coughing, tiredness, etc. But worst of all, you can also get chronic bronchitis, emphysema, heart disease, cancer, a passport to eternity before time, etc. ...

Think about it before getting into this maelstrom, and if, unfortunately, you're stuck, do everything possible to get out. And remember: the act of smoking there is no zero risk, any amount of snuff consumed is harmful to you and others. Fight alone against the next cigarette.

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Is smoking really does so much harm?

Yes, because smoking increases 10 times the possibility of myocardial infarction. 85% of lung cancer deaths are directly related to smoking.

snuff consumption is the leading cause of preventable disease and preventable mortality in developed countries. Children of smokers are 70% more likely to be hospitalized for respiratory diseases. Finally, the weight of newborns whose mothers smoke less compared with that of other children of nonsmokers. The number of people who die daily prematurely from smoking, equivalent to three 747 jumbo jets crashing with no survivors. It is also the snuff causing 80% mortality from chronic pulmonary disease.

Why smoke?

Smoking is not only a habit, it is also a drug because the smoking snuff meets all the criteria that define the substance as such:

- Existence of tolerance (need to smoke more and more to sear)
- Unit (compelling need to continue smoking)
- abstinence syndrome in the absence of it (symptoms appear at suspends the cigarette).
- Compulsive Behavior

What causes dependency?

The head of the dependence is nicotine, a substance with great power of addiction, similar to other drugs such as heroin or cocaine. The form of dependence generated by smoking is the Treasury, responsible withdrawal, psychological, and that smoking has become a company of all types of situations (after meals, with coffee, talking on the phone, to watch TV, etc..) It seems difficult to change the social relationship as it is practiced in groups, at certain meetings of leisure, after dinner with friends, and yet remains a habit that distinguishes a group of teenagers giving it a social value and maturity of rebellion misunderstandings.

What happens to the body when lighting a cigarette?

sympathetic nervous system stimulation, this causes increased heart rate and blood pressure, thereby increasing oxygen consumption by the heart. The transport of oxygen in the blood is difficult, as embodied carbon monoxide by smoking it shifts from hemoglobin is the carrier of these gases.

Constriction of the coronary arteries throughout the body by substances (prostaglandins, vasopressin, catecholamines) stimulated by smoking, especially in vessels with atherosclerotic lesions. This (the change of circulation) is a terrible effect it also affects the peripheral vessels thus increasing blood pressure and cardiac work.

Increased platelet activity, which facilitates a phenomenon favoring the formation of thrombi that cause myocardial infarction or severe forms of angina pectoris.

release of catecholamines by the adrenal medulla with a rapid production of serious cardiac arrhythmias, some causes of sudden death in coronary patients.

Reduction ability to dissolve blood clots own (fibrinolysis) Modification

lipoprotein transport tended to increase blood cholesterol.

What happens to smoke?

is estimated that approximately 53,000 U.S. deaths per year are the result of passive smoking. 37,000 of these deaths are from cardiovascular disease. In Argentina, 6,000 die according to the Ministry of Health and Environment, 4,000 of which are due to cardiocirculatory pathologies.

The effect of inhaling snuff is harmful, if not worse, in nonsmokers than in smokers. All risks which smokers are exposed, are also suffered by passive smokers. The burning end of a cigarette has smaller particles and more dangerous than smoking. These small particles when inhaled reach the deep lung and generate the most damage. The carbon monoxide inhaled by passive smoking causes loss of oxygen in the blood, leading to the lungs, heart and brain is not functioning properly. Chronic, changes occur in the structures of these organs.

Living with a smoker increases twice the risk of developing lung cancer or cardiovascular disease. Children smoke are more prone to this problem as adults, easily develop lung problems (allergies, asthma, chronic bronchitis, heart problems). Account for more hospitalizations for these conditions and compared with children of nonsmoking parents. Many develop cancer as adults.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

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Women and Children and snuff snuff

Mujeres y tabaco


elusive and women start in smoking induced by social group membership, by the lure of advertising and the conviction to control your weight with this habit. Thin women to reach a snuff chronic intoxication, coupled with the addiction, but expresses no weight reduction of health and is accompanied by reduction of its beauty to the affected elastic fibers in the skin, which comes loose and premature wrinkles. In women

damage occurs snuff are similar to those experienced by men in the lungs, heart, arteries, brain and other organs. But women are added further injury by its special characteristics, not only in pregnancy but also more likely organ systems for their delicacy and sensitivity, such as skin, skeletal system and mouth.

skin and mouth: The skin is injured by the smoke of snuff that produces destruction of elastic fibers and premature wrinkling, more visible affects the face. And in the mouth are affected gums, mucous membranes and teeth, demonstrating from the outset as halitosis.

The skeletal system: where injuries occur most devastating for the antiestrogenic action of nicotine, which manifest as accelerated when estrogen decreases at menopause and osteoporosis osteopenia becomes.

Gestation: infertility, ectopic pregnancy and spontaneous abortions. The child is affected by nicotine that passes placenta into the circulation resulting in intrauterine growth retardation and low birth weight preterm infants.

snuff consumption implications for women's health

  • The annual risk of death in women more than doubles among regular smokers, compared with people who have never smoked in groups aged between 45 and 74.

  • The risk of lung cancer increases with the amount, duration and intensity of smoking. The risk of death from lung cancer is 20 times more common among women who smoke two or more packs of cigarettes daily than among nonsmokers.

  • Women who smoke have increased risk of cerebrovascular accident (stroke) and bleeding subarcanoidea.

  • Smoking is a major cause of coronary heart disease in women. The risk increases with the amount of cigarettes and duration of smoking.

  • Women who smoke increase their risk of death from a ruptured aneurysm of the abdominal artery. They also increase the risk of peripheral vascular atherosclerosis.

  • Smoking is a major cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in women and risk increases with intensity and duration of smoking. In the United States, about 90 percent of deaths in women from these diseases can be attributed to the consumption of snuff.

  • Women who smoke increase the risk of delay in the design and primary and secondary infertility may experience a slight increase in risk of ectopic pregnancy and spontaneous abortions. Experience natural menopause at a younger age than non-smokers and, perhaps, more menopausal symptoms.

  • Postmenopausal women who smoke have osteoporosis (decreased bone density) than non-smokers also an increased risk of hip fracture.

  • The snuff smoke exposure in the environment is a cause of lung cancer among women who never smoked and is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease.

Source: tabaquismo.freehosting

Saturday, March 6, 2010

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hildren smoke induced by their peers, influenced by the model of adult smoking and seduced by the advertising cigarettes, which addresses them indirectly, directly, artistic, subliminal, sports and all varieties of fascination para su persuasión al tabaquismo.

Los niños y el tabaco están cada vez más relacionados. Nuestros hijos ahora manejan más dinero, más libertad, más tiempo solos. Crecen rodeados de un mundo de publicidad y cine que no siempre les da ejemplos adecuados.

Los niños que están afectados por el hábito de fumar de sus padres, son propensos a sufrir toda una serie de problemas de salud, en su mayoría serios. El impacto en los niños comienza antes del nacimiento; el consumo de cigarrillos durante el período de gestación es asociado con abortos espontáneos, partos prematuros, bajo peso, muertes neonatales, complicaciones durante el embarazo y parto, disminución de la quality and quantity of breast milk. Children's lungs are smaller and their immune systems are less developed, making it more likely to develop respiratory and ear infections triggered by secondhand smoke to snuff. Because they are smaller and they breathe faster than adults, they breathe in more harmful chemicals per pound of weight than an adult at the same time. In the numerous studies of the effects of snuff smoke in the environment on the health of children has found that snuff smoke exposure causes an increase in bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. In turn, exposure to smoke trigger asthma attacks in children with asthma and some scientists argue that cause asthma in healthy children.

Meanwhile, snuff significantly increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome in infants. This may be due to exposure to snuff smoke in utero or in the environment after birth. It is estimated that half of the world's children live in households where people smoke.

Smoking by pregnant women and the exposure of pregnant nonsmokers to smoke snuff reduce the average weight of babies at birth. On average the children of smokers weighed at birth to 420 grams less than children of nonsmokers. This difference is related weight in the number of cigarettes smoked during pregnancy. Every cigarette reduces 11 grams birth weight.

Twenty out of every hundred children living in poor countries of the world are addicted to snuff. So said a study by the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted in poor countries. He also reported that most children addicted began smoking before the age of 12 years and many of them want to quit but find it very difficult.

Currently, 30% of the world's smokers are between 12 and 13. The influence of fashion, advertising and social customs as well as making the children imitate their parents' smoking are the main causes that lead children to start fumar.Si current trends continue unchanged, 250 million children alive today will die as a result of taking snuff in the next 25 years. This proved that the earlier a person starts smoking, the greater the risk to their health and makes it harder to quit.

Niños y Tabaco

education experts recommend be educated in the rejection of the snuff since he was five years. It is there when you need to point out the dangers of snuff and the horrors it causes to health. Explain that engages snuff and that those who smoke pass very wrong to want to leave and that if the movies show it as something normal, because behind it there are people interested in money spent smoking.

providing for measures for the child to grow up with the idea that the smoke is normal, it is up to parents. Prohibit smoking beside him, talking about friends who smoke, about the unpleasant smell that is left after smoking, are part of a domestic campaign to be conserved in time.

What can parents do to avoid the use of Snuff:

• Parents are the models of the example. If you smoke, quit. If you have not quit, do not smoke around their children and tell them you feel a lot for having started smoking.

• Do not allow smoking at home and enforce your No Smoking rule.

• Ask if you're talking about snuff in school.

• Ask about the use of snuff by friends; extol the children who do not smoke.

• Do not allow your children to handle smoking materials.

• Do not let your kids play with cigarettes (cigarettes) sweet. They are symbols of real cigarettes and young children who use them more likely to smoke.

• Support the efforts of not smoking in the school and the community and inform school officials you expect them to enforce the no smoking policy.

• Make snuff is not available for children and adolescents, supports the higher taxes on snuff, licensing of vendors and the banning of cigarette vending machines without personal attention.

• Discuss with your children the false and misleading images used in advertisements and movies which portray smoking as glamorous, healthy, sexy and mature.

• Emphasize short-term negative effects such as bad smell in the mouth, yellowed fingers, smelly clothes, shortness of breath and decreased performance in sports.

• Emphasize that nicotine is addictive. Help children to say "No" to snuff with games represent situations in which the couple offered snuff.

If your child or teen has already started using snuff, the following steps can help you to stop:

• Advise him / her to stop smoking. Do not front, give moral support and respectful.

• Assist his / her efforts to quit and express your desire to help.

• Provide educational materials.

• Help your teen to identify relevant personal reasons for quitting.

• If you smoke, according to his son to quit smoking and negotiate a date to do so.

• Enlist the child's pediatrician or family doctor to help the child to quit.

• If the child is using other drugs or alcohol or there are problems with mood disorders or other disorders, evaluation by a child and adolescent psychiatrist or other mental health professional may be indicated.

"To survive, the tobacco industry needs new smokers each year seclusion to replace those that are leaving and / or are dying from diseases related to snuff. These new smokers, they are mostly teenagers. "(Gro Harlem, director of WHO).


Thursday, March 4, 2010

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High consumption of illicit drugs in Uruguay, UN Report Says Drug

The 2008 report of the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) and Cidac-OAS (Inter-American Drug Abuse Control) also notes that countries are also more smokers and the heaviest drinkers.

The first comparative study on drug use was conducted during 2006 and 2007 with a total sample of 61,607 people, 12 to 65, representing 43 million people in six countries.

High consumption in Argentina were consulted 12,459 people, Bolivia, 8662, Chile, 15,776, Ecuador, 7341, Peru, 10,927 and Uruguay, 6442. In Argentina, Chile and Uruguay there is a high level of illicit drug use compared to Bolivia, which is in between, and Ecuador and Peru who have less use.

For legal drugs, alcohol consumption is higher compared to snuff, to the extent that some of these six countries 'problematic' or addiction reaches 40%, according to the study of the Inter-American Commission Abuse Control Commission (CICAD).

The Cicad said this was the first comparative study of its kind in the commission, and focused mainly on cocaine, marijuana and cocaine base, such as illegal drugs, and snuff and alcohol, and legal.

"This study shows that both in countries with high consumption of illicit drugs and in the low-power, mostly illicit drug users consumed one drug, mostly marijuana," he says. Results

In the case of snuff, 34% of Argentines and Uruguayans reported the use of, in Chile, 44%, 26% in Bolivia, and Peru and Ecuador are smoking less, 19% said it.

Meanwhile, consumption of alcohol has a similar pattern.

figures exceed 50% in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, just over 40% in Bolivia and around 35% in Ecuador and Peru.

Regarding illicit drugs, as in most countries of the world, marijuana is the most widely used, mainly among young people. Among the six countries, the recent average consumption is 4.8%, 3.8% higher than the world average.

The percentage for the six countries amounts to 2.1 million people out of 43 million study. As for cocaine, the average number of six countries in terms of the prevalence of consumption in the past year is 1.4%, surpassing the 0.3% global average.

As for the paste, the study says that consumption is low: 0.4% to 0.6% in Argentina, Chile, Peru Uruguay and considering the prevalence of last year, and around 0.1% in Bolivia and Ecuador.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

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Chronicle of drug users in Ciudad Juarez

With a high rate of HIV infections Intravenous, Ciudad Juárez, along with other border cities, concentrated most injecting drug users. The few prevention efforts among this population was made to counter the criminalization of drug use. A chronicle describes the visit to some stables in the city and in a story follows the work of the organization Partners, a pioneer in the implementation of needle exchange programs for use with less damage.

West of Ciudad Juárez has always been squat houses and adobe. Facade after facade, all covered by a fine powder which way the wind accumulates sand dunes in the corners. The location is unclear, Aldama and Abasolo colony or Carmen Alto district, namely what is the correct name. By early afternoon there are few people on the street, another boy carrying a giant bottle of Coke, some Texas boys wear a cap or sun protection. The car runs through a concrete channel that despite the first impression is one avenue: the viaduct Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, that just serves as a drain in the rainy season, the few weeks of storms that flooded everything. We're here.

The greatness of pleasure is the elimination of pain

A house, almost in a corner, concrete facade and no windows. A door blocked by wooden planks that reveals a narrow aisle. At the first door on the left: a dark room, tiny lobby where four men are regarded. They are sitting on the floor, or in some old wooden chair. They look in silence. On one side of a cloth covering the door of a darkened room.

After some talk with them comes a man up and down looking at us like we are outsiders. It is the "keeper" of riding asking us what we want. He explained that the brigade is harm reduction of the civil organization Companions who comes to making the exchange of syringes, as ever, and accompanying a reporter. The man changes his attitude:
- Let me introduce them ... This is where they come together, here's where their friends and cross all the city to come to where your buddies, and also that this is a family, security.
- What is known more for anything, or can anyone join?
- anyone can come here to heal, but no infection.
- How do you know of infections?
- Well, you see them right away. Above all, here, as I say, come pure family.
- How many guys come here?
- No, they do make more, thousands of people, everywhere. Thieves, thieves do not, everything. Come to yours. Nothing more you heal, you're about two, three minutes, and go. Here you are not charged anything to anyone, if you like, then give heart to the soda.

(Leaving me explain, for the low, the open secret: the "charge" up for the free services with the sale of heroin and cocaine required by users.)

While speaking, visitors enter and leave the darkened room. Go back and forth to heal, a word literally expresses the sense of injecting heroin. A young thin, bare belly and large breast implants stops with us, find something, and bring as a syringe and looks nervous. Finally discover what you need: a cigarette butt collected from the ground and blowing for cleaning, while on the fourth behind the curtain. One of the activists takes the butt while giving you a tiny tuft of cotton. She smiles in thanks.

- And the police?
- You know one of the stakes, that is, the cops already know, then you ask "then you jump?, and if you tell a lie it gives them more courage, though some officers give us Viader. But better if we see a cop we turn around. "Speak other users, too skinny, with sunken eyes and baseball cap.
- But what if the cop cache and what makes them?
- you take the boat and it depends how you look, if you look good on, or very bad, you get fewer hours, on the side you can not stand the wrapper, then many times as it is a sick truth addict, many times you start to kill or hang in the same quadrille that brings, then many times only give you eight or 12 hours pa which leave.

The quadrille is a withdrawal syndrome, pain, indicating that it is time to heal, drop-injection-again.

- How does it feel with the quadrille? "Asked a man aged 53, who lives in a tiny room that doubles as a ring.
- Many things. Sneezing, anxiety, chills, bone pain, poor appetite, it releases one of the stomach. And with the current rise time.
- How do you feel when injected?
- Welfare. Pretend medicine. So you can sleep.

Where there is pleasure no pain or sorrow
is a small house, looking like the other. A large window covered by a thick curtain and a closed gate with a chain. Inside are two rooms. The first is a bed that occupies half the room. It is a mattress on plastic crates in groups. On one side there is a chair, across a small toilet. Faced with another sofa bed and a cabinet shelves adorned with stuffed animals chamagosos. In front there is a cabinet with the attachments for the drug. Empty cans of coke packed down, a toy cup with water, some small boats with bleach and water.

one of the chairs in an obese woman eating a chicken leg in broth, it helps with a tortilla. On one side, sitting in bed, a woman is thin and gaunt, haggard and blackened teeth. On the couch in front is a tanned man, also emaciated, with a sweatshirt that looks very comfortable and lets poke the edges of some tattoos on his neck. They are brothers. The other room, behind a curtain, leaving a third man. Younger, not so thin and emaciated. He is handsome, tall, sunburned white, blue-eyed stare. It is the third brother, a heroin addict and the other two. The obese woman is the mother of three, who came to see them in Torreon.
- I no longer know what to do with them. Just saw, this, the smallest, had already left. I was about four years that was clean, since she got married. Now ask, left his wife with two children and pregnant back in Torreon.

The aforementioned listens and nods. Used heroin since she was 19 years-now 26 - and has six months fell after four years of abstinence. He decided to come to Juárez with his two brothers. The sister has about 30 years and 15 to use drugs, recently widowed six months ago. Her husband, who also injected heroin, "suddenly became ill." The back room
out another young woman, thin, toothless and poorly made two braids that almost reach the waist. Account that has a child living with his mother, while she spends seasons at home and others here, with her husband, also a drug user.

While two men talked, they come to cut up, want to go to the back room, but we ask you to do there, in front of us. "All right, is cool," they reply.

anxious are noted. They shake hands when preparing the dose. One type, a black top, pulls out a tiny foil wrapper. Inside, amid a strip of plastic is a black putty placed over the bottom of the can of Coke. Cocaine out another package. Puts a little - "is called coffee, "he informs the other, an expert in cocktails," put water and stir. Then drop a cotton-that allows the fluid to leak any impurities that may cause the syringe is clogged.

The girl with the braids long prepared the syringe with one hand and a master despite the faltering pulse. Meanwhile, the man, her husband, she pressed his arm a little above the wrist so that you skip the vein. The other guy kitchen, under the flame of a lighter, before preparing your dose injection.

The woman tries to inject his man three times, but gives to the vein. When he does, plays with the syringe, brings out a little blood, the returns, again to draw viewers, among gun a little debate about the pleasure generated by the action of pumping blood into the syringe. Voices for and against. Finally empty the syringe. The guy makes a face at all, gets up and takes a piece of paper to wipe the blood from the small wound on his arm full of marks.

sores, calluses and scars. Stigmata of intravenous drug user. In the first riding visited, a user shows the result of multiple injections on the same point. On his shoulder a deep hole, an abscess of an inch in diameter, drainage, red.

- Hey, where do you inject? I ask the man of 53 years, surprise at the absence of visible scars on his arms.
- I interspersed in the arms and feet, because that's beating by corns everywhere is not good. One has a lot of veins, only a matter of looking for him, because if not one the body rots. I've always had this concept of security with the body. As I say, this is a disease and one has to seek the remedy, but as the disease is illegal, not everyone can tell.

"The limit to the greatness of the pleasures is the removal of all pain. Where there is pleasure for the duration, there is neither pain nor sorrow, nor the mixture of both, "wrote the Greek philosopher Epicurus in the second century before the Christian era. But the pleasure is short, more and more, and pain, physical and essential, lurks in even before the idea manifest. In the race against the quadrille, all shortcuts are worth. Flee pain rather than to procure pleasure. Running away from pain, body aches, first. When the quadrille was about and perhaps never will, only rest-no risks are worth.